Unit 8 “Who’s Got Style?” English 10 Unit 8
“The Pit and the Pendulum” Pre-reading Activity MLA heading (+.5) Goals – comprehend through summary, analyze imagery and mood, critique Poe’s style (+.5) Class Discussion – What breeds terror? Define style, imagery (sensory images) using page 857. Complete the vocabulary activity as described on page 857. Read about the author on page 857. Unit 8
“The Pit and the Pendulum” During-reading Activity Note 20 specific examples of imagery Poe uses. (+10) Day #1 = read through page 866 as homework. Day #2 = finish story and CAT questions as homework. Seeing Hearing Tasting Touching Smelling Unit 8
“The Pit and the Pendulum” Post-reading Activity Comprehension Analysis Thinking Critically Questions: as always, include a MLA cited paraphrase and a MLA cited quote for each question. Do not draw any extra charts; answer each question using IQIA in paragraph format. C = #5 summarize (+3) A = #7 literary elements: imagery & mood (+3) T = #8 critique (add your opinion) as you analyze Poe’s style (+3) Write a Works Cited for this story (+1) Unit 8
Robert Frost Poems Pre-reading Activity MLA heading (+.5) Goals – comprehend using inferences, analyze use of simile and metaphor, and think critically to generalize about the poet’s style (+.5) Class Discussion – How can nature inspire you? Define colloquial language and review other literary terms on page 887. Read about the poet on page 887. Unit 8
Robert Frost Poems Post-reading Activity Comprehension Analysis Thinking Critically Questions: as always, include a MLA cited paraphrase and a MLA cited quote for each question. Do not draw any extra charts; answer each question using IQIA in paragraph format. C = #5 inference (+3) A = #8 literary elements: similes & metaphors (+3) T = #9 generalize about poet’s style (+3) Write a Works Cited for these poems (+2) Unit 8
Lowell, Sandburg, & Williams Poems Pre-reading Activity MLA heading (+.5) Goals – comprehend through summary, analyze poetic structure, and evaluate imagist style (+.5) Class Discussion – Can you paint a picture with words? Review literary terms on page 895. Read about the poets on page 895. Unit 8
Lowell, Sandburg, & Williams Poems Post-reading Activity Comprehension Analysis Thinking Critically Questions: as always, include a MLA cited paraphrase and a MLA cited quote for each question. Do not draw any extra charts; answer each question using IQIA in paragraph format. C = #4 and #6 summarize (+6) A = #5 literary elements: structure (+3) T = #8 evaluate imagist style (+3) Unit 8
Sandra Cisneros “Only Daughter” and “from Caramelo” Pre-reading Activity MLA heading (+.5) Goals – comprehend theme, analyze author’s style & voice, evaluate author’s purpose (+.5) Class Discussion – What is your role in your household? Define voice using page 901. Complete the vocabulary activity as described on page 901. Read about the author on page 901. Unit 8
Sandra Cisneros “Only Daughter” and “from Caramelo” During-reading Activity Note-taking on voice. Since you cannot highlight the text, quote eight phrases (two per page) Cisneros uses that are examples of her unique voice. Include the page numbers with your quotes. (+8) Unit 8
Sandra Cisneros Post-reading Activity Comprehension Analysis Thinking Critically Questions: as always, include a MLA cited paraphrase and a MLA cited quote for each question. Do not draw any extra charts; answer each question using IQIA in paragraph format. C = #5 theme (+3) A = #6 literary elements: style & voice (+3) T = #9 add your judgment to critique the author’s purpose (+3) Write a Works Cited for these two pieces. (+2) Unit 8