WEEK 6 ENGLISH 10 B April 23-27
Vocabulary Quiz 17 New Vocabulary 18 this week & Unit test Monday Read Church Cancel’s Cow~ write a reflection paragraph on theme giving cited examples due Tuesday
TUESDAY APRIL 24 Marzipan by Roberta Allen what literary tools foes the author use? Did the author effectively develop the plot? Examples referencing plot. What was the author’s purpose, message?
POE’S PHILOSOPHY OF COMPOSITION Read highlight key points Whole class discussion Think of 3 ideas for a original story: writing in class all hour Wednesday
BEGIN WRITING A SHORT STORY You wrote a short story memory of your own experience with a lesson, moral, a couple of weeks ago. Now… Think about the short stories we have read. Review Poe’s philosophy of Composition and write your own creative story with a moral or message.
STUDENT INPUT? FOR ASSESSMENT & DUE DATE Required: Poe Philosophy: Get a Plan : End Determined First: Moral ~ Lesson Learned Audience? Genre Setting clearly defined Plot line ~ unified Clear Character development Dialogue~ inclusion of some dialogue (Indent with each new speaker) Choose one literary technique to develop: Irony, metaphor/simile, foreshadowing Comfortable Conclusion that fits story