Chapter 9 The Industrial Revolution
Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: 1.What are some positive and negative ways that industry affects your life?
Industrialization Changes Life –Effects of Factories on cities Urbanization people move from rural to urban areasUrbanization Population increase –Large supply of labor & a market for factory goods –Effects of Industrial citiesIndustrial cities Factories pollute air & water Widespread disease, no health codes or building codes Lack housing, schools, police Wealthy merchants live in nice suburban homes Urbanization: city- building and movement of people to cities Rural: country side Urban: city Suburb: outside of city Section 2 Industrialization
–Working conditions are very bad & dangerous 14hrs a day, 6 days a week, the whole year Many workers get injured Coal miners die from bad air Children workers as young as 6yrs oldChildren Class Tension –Middle class –skilled workers, merchants, rich farmers, professionals Looked down on by landowners & aristocrats Comfortable standard of living Some achieve top positions in society –Able to change British society –Working class Lives do not improve, some are replaced by machines Unemployment is serious problem –Leads to riots Professionals: doctors, lawyers, teachers Capital: money needed for investment
Positive Effects of Industrial Revolution –Immediate Benefits Creates jobs, enriches nation, encourages technological progress Education expands, clothing cheaper, diet & housing improve Workers eventually win shorter hours, better wages & conditions –Long-Term Effects Improved living & working conditions still evident today Governments use increased tax revenues for urban improvements Diet: food people eat Wages: pay, salary Revenue: money that gov’t makes from taxes
Industrialization Use your book/notebook to explain how each was affected by Industrialization Poor city dwellers Lacked adequate housing; many were forced to live in dark, filthy, overcrowded slums under very unhealthy and unsafe conditions Factory workers Forced to work long hours for very low wages; dangerous and unhealthy working conditions; later conditions improved Wealthy merchants, factory owners, shippers Gained wealth/status in society; joined growing middle class Children As young as 6yrs old began working in factories w/ their families; long hours & brutal conditions; child labor laws brought some reforms Lower middle class of factory overseers & skilled workers Enjoyed a comfortable standard of living Large landowners & aristocrats Lost some status, respect, and power; looked down on those who gained wealth in business Environment Polluted and natural resources were used up Education Opportunities expanded b/c of need for skilled & professional workers
Exit Slip 1.What are two negative effects of industrialization? 2.What are two positive effects of industrialization?