On the Homefront America goes to war
Mobilizing for War Selective Service Act of 1917 –Men from ages required to register –3 million men served as draftees in WWI African American Soldiers
African Americans in WWI Segregated Units –Plessy v. Ferguson (1896): Establishes “separate but equal” as both the legal and social status quo in American society –Selective Service: drafts white and black men alike Segregated units Not allowed to join the Navy or the Marines Black community organizes protests/ Pressure from the NAACP –African Americans trained as officers for the first time; still never put in command of troops-only one officer training camp
400,000 African Americans fought with the divisions of the French Army 380,000 African Americans serve in the Army in WWI –42,000 see combat 200,000 sent to Europe More than ½ are assigned to labor jobs: building roads, bridges, trenches to support the soldiers at the front lines
369 th Infantry Division Who were the Harlem Hellfighters? –One of the most famous infantry divisions in Europe –Fought with the French Army –Spent 191 days in combat; longer than any other American unit in the war –Heroic in battle at Belleau Wood and Chateau- Thierry –First Americans to be awarded the Croix de Guerre (Cross of War), given by the French –Treated as heroes in France
Home sweet home? The Great Migration: Many African Americans had moved North for jobs in the cities during the War African American soldiers return home -little to advance civil rights * Rise of KKK in 1920s *1919 Race Riots * Lynchings increase * segregation across the nation
Organizing for War: Supplying the Armies Economically: –Congress increases taxes and authorized the use of war bonds »Liberty Bonds War Industries Board –Set up to oversee the production and distribution of goods manufactured by the nation’s war industries Food Supply –Lever Food and Fuel Control Act of 1917 »Gave Wilson the right to establish price and production controls over food and fuel –Food Administration: created to increase food supplies for troops by expanding agricultural production and decreasing domestic consumption
Overseas –25,000 Women volunteers serve in France Nurses, signalers, typists, interpreters, telephone service Some worked as nurses and ambulance drivers on the front lines Red Cross volunteers
On the Homefront –1.5 million women worked in factory positions left vacant by departing soldiers American products essential to Allied troops fighting in Europe War= labor shortage Immigration stops during the war Pushed for higher wages and working conditions –4 million workers go on strike –NWLB