INTERREG IIIB CADSES „PlanCoast“ Coastal Zone and Maritime Spatial Planning by Bernhard Heinrichs Ministry for Transport, Building and Regional Development M-V, Germany PlanCoast Lead Partner L +G, dear collegues, The topic of my presentation is the case of the Baltic Sea : the role of Spatial plannining in ICZM and sea use planning or spatial planning of the sea preliminary remarks I do not dare to give a comprehensive overview I shall cocentrate on some issues linked to my own experience the two things ICZM and sea use planning are closely linked, one can not seperate the sea side from the land side.
Overall Objective Foster sustainable development in the coastal zones (land- and sea-side) of the Baltic Sea, Adriatic Sea and Black Sea and support the EU maritime strategy Concerning 1. just to see how our PLCo-approach fits into EU-policies 2. Main part vorlesen 3. I will mention shortly only
PlanCoast Project Area Basic Facts Project Region: Coastal and Maritime Zones (esp. 12 sm zone) of the Baltic Sea, Adriatic Sea and Black Sea Lead Partner: Ministry of Traffic, Building and Regional Development – Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, spatial planning department (Germany) Project Partners: 15 Spatial Planning Departments or Regional Authorities responsible for the spatial planning for coastal and maritime areas in their partner countries
Financing EFRE 595.000 EUR CARDS 493.678 EUR PHARE 334.200 EUR TACIS 120.600 EUR EU Financing 1.488.478 EUR EU Co-Financing + 317.000 EUR Non EU Co-Financing + 173.542 EUR Total 1.979.020 EUR Partner Institution EU Country Budget Ministry of Labour, Building and Regional Development M-V Y DE 216.000,00 Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing Germany Y DE 150.000,00 Maritime Office in Gdynia Y PL 100.000,00 Self-Government of the Pomorskie Voivodeship Y PL 40.000,00 Regional Development Center Koper Y SI 200.000,00 Emilia Romagna Region, DG Environment Y IT 106.000,00 Municipality of Ancona Y IT 100.000,00 ECAT Tirana N AL 166.320,00 Ministry of Physical Planning of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton N BA 127.000,00 District Administration Centre Varna N BG 198.000,00 Black Sea NGO Network N BG 47.600,00 Priority Action Programme / Regional Activity Centre N HR 100.000,00 National Institute for Marine Research and Development N RO 140.000,00 National Institute for Research and Development Urbanproject N RO 60.000,00 Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Enterprise N SCG 94.100,00 Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES) N UA 134.000,00 CARDS Balkan Croatien, Bos.-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albanien PHARE Rumänien, Bulgarien TACIS Ukraine
Growing conflicts among seaside activities The challenges Growing conflicts among seaside activities Urgent need for spatial co-ordination of offshore uses The challenges are obvious The map shows a first transnat. atempt to visualise information on uses + restrictions Challenges The coastal zones of the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Sea face severe pressure from development. Multiple sea and coast-based activities such as tourism, transport, fishery / aquaculture, shipping and energy generation are growing. Combined with the requirements for nature protection and the effects of global climate change these uses implicate numerous actual and potential conflicts. These conflicts are not limited to the landside areas, but will affect offshore areas even more strongly. The challenge is to make the most of the economic potential of the seas in a sustainable manner by avoiding conflicts and creating maximum synergies between the various interest groups.
Current focal points of EU policy Integrated Coastal Zone management (ICZM) Development of national ICZM-strategies until 2006 European Maritime Policy Green paper on integrated maritime policy June 7, 2006 Germany has presented its national strategy adopted by cabinet on march 22 of this year. Stock taking Steps towards a strategy Evaluation of its effects and its implementation Spat.planning has a prominent role in this strategy. Green Book , a consultation paper, mentions spat.planning as a possible tool to implement the maritime strategy Comm will propose next steps until end of 2007
Could Spatial Planning make a contribution to these two EU policies? Experience from the INTERREG III B BaltCoast Project Main part 2: Could spatial planning…. BC with partners from 7 countries offered a solid basis for the transnat. Recommendations, that I will summarise as an input to PLCO I shall not rely on the findings of that project only but present other experiences related to the 2 issues spat. Pl in ICZM and sea use planning
What can Spatial Planning offer to ICZM and the EU Maritime Strategy? Proven methods of participation and conflict management Binding results based on statutory plans Provision of space oriented data through Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Example: Pilot Action „Greifswalder Bodden“ Problem: Conflict between water sports and nature protection Solution: Zoning keeping the balance between nature protection and development Vorlesen Zoning in this case includes a time-component
Example: Pilot Action „Greifswalder Bodden“ Look at map: important tourism area Conflict management via“ round table “ Voluntary agreements between users and environmentalists Zoning with physical +time component Results secured in statutory regional spatial plan Good ex. for implementation of BaltCoast recommendations
BaltCoast Recommendations on ICZM ICZM is the responsibility of political bodies of all levels Do not create new ICZM specific institutions Cross-sectoral agencies at regional level should take the lead for implementation Link regional approach with case-specific solutions The focus should be on implementation and visible results PLCO partner Cieslak PL participated actively ICZM not an expert issue only Resistance by experts, in overall interest 3.PL wojwodship , G: Länder 4. ,5. increase acceptance
Project results on sea use planning Transnational spatial planning register for offshore areas Pan-Baltic comprehensive map of offshore uses Comparative analysis of regulations and planning instruments Common recommendations for action First 2 points are in an incomplete stage, see map
Recommendations for action Agree on a systematic transnational information exchange on offshore uses Prepare spatial plans for offshore areas – where needed Introduce project-oriented and cross-sectoral coordination procedures vorlesen
Sea Use Planning of the German Baltic Sea Main points Nature protection green Wind farms black rest of 12 sm prohibited Sand extraction brown Corridor linear infrastructure violet Pilot Projects Sea-Use-Planning in Action Preparation of Sea-Use-Plans for 12 sm zone in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany), Gdansk region (Poland), Trieste Bay (Slovenia), Varna (Bulgaria), Constanta (Romania), Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro), Odessa (Ukraine) Sea-Use-Planning training programme for spatial planners from all participating countries Spatial Planning in ICZM in Action Preparation of new coastal plans according to ICZM principles for Palombina Beach (Italy), Pommerania (Poland), Piran (Slovenia), Albania, Varna (Bulgaria), Constanta (Romania) and the Tulcea/Danube Delta Biological Reservation (Romania)
Conclusions Spatial Planning cannot substitute the ICZM-process - but forms an essential part A regional approach could best link ICZM-strategy with implementation Spatial planning of the sea should become an integral part of ICZM in the Baltics