T HE B ASICS Progressive Movement = “ Aimed to return control of the government to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices in American life” The political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society
GOALS 4 Goals 1. Protect Social Welfare 2. Promote Moral Improvement 3. Create Economic Reform 4. Create Political Reforms
Moral Reforms - Strove to improve peoples personal behavior. Social Reforms - Strove to relieve urban problems. Wanted to soften some of the harsh effects of industrialization Economic Reforms- Prompted some Americans to question the capitalist economic system. Economic reformers looked at the industry/business. Political Reforms- Strove to come up with acts that were more responsive to what citizens wanted.
I DENTIFYING R EFORM M OVEMENTS 1. Get into your group and look through the documents on your table. 1. On the 4 th page in your Progressive Packet, fill out the web that has social, moral, political and economic in four different boxes. You will use the documents to help you decide where the reform should be placed. Some may be placed in more than one box
P ROHIBITION The banning of alcoholic beverages. Moral Reform WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) Most influential temperance org. HUGE membership. Carrie Nation- walked into saloons with a hatchet and destroyed them! ion-raid#prohibition-raid
S OCIAL G OSPEL Social or Moral reform Social reform to apply to “christian ethics” “What would Jesus do?” Backed Prohibition
F LORENCE K ELLEY Social reformer Secretary of the National Consumers’ League Lobbied to improve factory conditions Promote a fair marketplace for workers and consumers
S CIENTIFIC M ANAGEMENT Improve efficiency in work place by applying scientific principles to work. Make tasks simpler and easier = More Productivity! Followers started seeing how quickly each task could be performed. What could be some problems with this type of management?
H ENRY F ORD Model T. Assembly Line. Reduced workday to eight hours and paid workers $5 a day. Created a car many could afford.
R OBERT M. L A F OLLETTE “Fighting Bob” Regulated big business Reform governor for 3 terms then entered U.S. Senate. Targeted railroads – regulated rates
I NITIATIVE, R EFERENDUM, R ECALL Initiative- A bill originated by the people (not law makers). Referendum- A vote on the initiative. Citizen can accept or reject the initiative. Recall- Voters can remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face another election before the end of their term
S EVENTEENTH A MENDMENT Allowed voters to nominate senators in direct primaries. The people vote, instead of state legislatures choosing This gave Americans more of a voice.
W OMEN IN THE WORK FORCE Farm labor Domestic work Industry work Once business expanded, so did opportunities for women Offices Stores Classrooms
W OMEN AND REFORM Suffrage The right to vote Susan B Anthony A leader in the suffrage movement Aggressive Campaigned across the country to get women the right to vote
S TRATEGY FOR S UFFRAGE T HREE - PRONGED STRATEGY 1. Tried convincing state legislatures to grant women the right to vote. 1. Women tested the Fourteenth Amendment in courts. “Aren’t women citizens, too?” 1. Women pushed for a national constitutional amendment to grant women the vote. Overall, the campaign for women achieved very little success. Why do you think?
T O S UM IT UP … 4 goals (or platforms) of Progressive reformers– Moral, Social, Political, Economic. Suffrage movement not making much leeway, but gained a little. Some gains in treatment of workers and child labor. Many reforms movements still to come!