INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Chapter 5 Review. WHY BRITAIN?  Labour supply Farmers replaced by new technology Large unemployment rate  Middle class (businessmen)


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Presentation transcript:


WHY BRITAIN?  Labour supply Farmers replaced by new technology Large unemployment rate  Middle class (businessmen) influence over government  Puritans barred from positions of power (government, church, military) as a result of the Test Act  British government encouraged new business  Raw materials  Colonies

AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION  Enclosure and re-sale of commons land Negatively affected poor farmers -> sell farms to wealthy farmers  Subsistence farming -> farming for profit New animal breeds; new technologies  Turnips -> Barley -> Grasses -> Wheat Land did not need to be left fallow 4 times larger crop yield Fewer farmers could feed larger populations Turnips and clover = winter fodder

ECONOMIC REVOLUTION  English parliament Tories – rich landowners Whigs – middle class business people  Laissez-faire – economic policy implemented by the Whigs Business/industry free from government regulation  Textiles (cloth/cloth products) Enclosure made it possible to maintain enormous herds of sheep Sheep -> wool -> thread -> cloth Grew more efficient with new inventions (Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny)  Steam – an engine to power factories

TRANSPORTATION  The need for roads From horses to horse-drawn wagons  Canals  Railways

MECHANIZATION THE FACTORY SYSTEM  The Cottage Industry – a case of supply and demand Rendered obsolete by new inventions during I.R.  The Factory Age Created new cities – workers lived in large housing developments Difficult working conditions (labour costs $) Child labour – chimney sweepers  The Factory Acts (1802) – 12 hour max for children (1819) – cannot hire a child under 9

SOCIETY AND CULTURE  Upper class – “society”  Middle class – doctor, engineer, lawyer, university degree  Lower middle class – white collar (stores, offices, small shops), teachers  Women – worked same jobs/under same conditions as men  Poor – diseased, treated poorly