 Women were working › 3% of the women were unionized in 1900  Wanted to be looked at primarily as wives or mothers  In 1950 there were 1/3 women in.


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Presentation transcript:

 Women were working › 3% of the women were unionized in 1900  Wanted to be looked at primarily as wives or mothers  In 1950 there were 1/3 women in the work field

 Female reformers sought to bring women back into the house › Supported the different treatment of women and children but didn’t address better working conditions  After given the right to vote, number of women working gradually raised

 In 2009 there were 3/5 women in the work field  More than half of the managerial positions were given to women  From 1948 to 1997 the women in the work field doubled › From 32%-61%

 Opened opportunities  Changes the status of women in society  Proved their capability

 “At the time, and this is the '60s and '70s, women were harassed for trying to work in non-traditional jobs, such as being police officers, working in construction, being officers in the military, and so on. There were also few women in professions like doctor, lawyer, politician, CEO. We were expected to be housewives, nurses, school teachers, or housecleaners. Men often became very angry when we ventured into non-traditional jobs. All that has changed. ”  “We were never mentioned in the history books unless we were someone's wife, or unless we did something traditional like Clara Barton or Florence Nightingale (housewife and nurse).”  “You grew up believing that all women ever did was love men and have babies.” -- Ms. Weltchek

  clio.com/Search/Display/ ?terms=women%20working&webSiteCode=SLN_DLTH&returnToPage= /Search/Display/ %3fterms%3dwomen+working&token=E87C601005B DE9AB1625B595& casError=False clio.com/Search/Display/ ?terms=women%20working&webSiteCode=SLN_DLTH&returnToPage= /Search/Display/ %3fterms%3dwomen+working&token=E87C601005B DE9AB1625B595& casError=False  pay/960 pay/960   15_shutterstock_working_women.jpg 15_shutterstock_working_women.jpg  airplane-engine-parts-for-the-WWI-effort jpg airplane-engine-parts-for-the-WWI-effort jpg  History of a Free Nation