SAFETEA-LU Changes Exemption of the Interstate System from Section 4(f) [Section 6007] de minimis impacts to historic sites [Section 6009(a)] de minimis impacts to parks, recreation areas, and refuges [Section 6009(a)] Clarification of feasible and prudent standard [Section 6009(b)]
23 CFR 774 Implementing SAFETEA-LU changes Revised current Section 4(f) from 771 March 12, 2008 June 3, 2008
Exceptions Restoration, rehab, maintenance of transportation facilities – Including the Interstate System Archaeological sites important for data recovery Late changes Temporary Impacts Park road or Parkway Certain trails, paths, sidewalks Transportation Enhancement & Mitigation
Current Law (a) Declaration of Policy The Secretary shall not approve any project which requires the “use" of any significant 4(f) property unless: (1)There is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land, and; (2)Such project includes all possible planning to minimize harm resulting from such use (b) de minimis impacts
de minimis SAFETEA-LU established de minimis Simplified processing and approval of a transportation use of a resource Allows for consideration of impact avoidance, minimization, mitigation or enhancements
de minimis Can apply to any level of NEPA documentation Does not replace Programmatic or Individual evaluations Another tool in the toolbox
de minimis Temporary “Use” Can be applied for use that is adverse Multiple Resources Each resource is considered separately No project-wide consideration Mitigation for each individual resource
Recreational de minimis Concurrence from Official(s) with Jurisdiction Public Involvement Press Release de minimis finding issued by OES staff
Cultural Determination of “no adverse effect” or “no historic properties affected” Concurrence with SHPO about the effect (intent to apply de minimis) FHWA has considered views of consulting parties Public Involvement included in Section 106 de minimis finding is issued by OES staff
de minimis at ODOT Cultural de minimis - 8 Recreation de minimis - 12
Section 4(f) Submittal Project Description Purpose & Need Description of the resource & impacts Discussion of avoidance, mitigation minimization, or enhancements Public Involvement Materials for de minimis Press Release (for parks, recreation areas, refuge areas only) Coordination with Official(s) with Jurisdiction Mapping & Photographs
Section 4(f) Toolkit nvironment/NEPA_policy_issues/4F_6F/Pages/Secti on4(f)Toolkit.aspx nvironment/NEPA_policy_issues/4F_6F/Pages/Secti on4(f)Toolkit.aspx Companion to Training Course Materials, Background/History, Determining Applicability, de minimis, Programmatic Evaluations, Programmatic Agreement, Check Lists, Charts & Graphics
Other Toolkits Purpose & Need Toolkit nvironment/training/Pages/PurposeNeedToolkit.asp x nvironment/training/Pages/PurposeNeedToolkit.asp x Planned Section 106 Toolkit
Programmatic Agreement ODOT has first Section 4(f) Programmatic in US Few others executed since Dated October 10, 2001 Planned Update in 2011