Alkali Creek Road Slope Stabilization and Stream Relocation The project scope changed after major rainfall caused slope failure jeopardizing safety and undermining the roadway. Careful coordination and consideration and of structural alternatives led to cost savings and generated a project meeting client and public needs.
Stream Relocation Project Scope Road Widening and Improved Sight Distance Hydrology and Hydraulics Slope Stabilization and Flattening Erosion Control Landscaping Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Cultural Resources Inventory and Data Recovery Permitting Alkali Creek Relocation and Slope StabilizationACEC Category J: Small Projects
Final Design Stream Realignment Slope Flattening Hydraulic Modeling Rock Buttress Landscape Design Wetland Restoration Alkali Creek Relocation and Slope StabilizationACEC Category J: Small Projects
Primary Technical Challenges Constructability in Confined Area Overly Steep Slopes Shallow Bedrock and Dewatering Maintaining Traffic Throughout Construction 12-inch Water Main and Gas Main Right-of-Way Availability No Floodplain Impacts Avoiding Environmental Impacts 100-year Flood Event in Consecutive Years Protecting Wetlands & Salvaged Hydric Soil Alkali Creek Relocation and Slope StabilizationACEC Category J: Small Projects