Carnegie Mellon University Arts/Technology Interface
Facts: 12,493 students – UG: 6203; PGT and PGR: faculty (academic staff) SSR: 1:8.7 UG fees 2014/15: $48,000 p.a. THE rankings:24 th in the world 17 th among U.S. universities A 2010 Wall Street Journal poll, job recruiters looking for new hires ranked CMU 1st in the USA for computer science 2013 Hollywood Journal ranked Drama 3 rd in the world the only U.S. university with top-ten ranked units in computer science, engineering and the arts
BXA programmes Inter-college Programs BHA – Bachelor of Humanities & Arts BSA – Bachelor of Science & Arts BCSA – Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts “This degree provides a technical, critical, and conceptual foundation for students interested in pursuing fields that comprehensively meld technology and the arts. Students choose their arts concentration from among the five schools in CFA: Architecture, Art, Design, Drama or Music. Students choose their computer science concentration established by the School of Computer Science.”
The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry “A laboratory for atypical, anti-disciplinary, and inter-institutional research at the intersections of arts, science, technology and culture.” Provides grants to faculty, students and staff in support of their arts research Provides artists-in-residence with stipends, commissions and facilities Builds bridges between cultural initiatives and technical resources Develops public venues for the presentation of innovative work Conducts free and low-cost public educational activities Visit:
STUDIO projects STUDIO director: Golan Levin
CREATE: Community Robotics, Education and Technology Empowerment
IDEATE: The Integrative Design, Arts and Technology Network eight undergraduate concentrations and minors a professional Masters degree in Emerging Media (EM2) offered across the College of Fine Arts, School of Computer Science, and College of Engineering (CIT) the CMU Integrative Media Program (IMP) in NYC interdisciplinary research activities and labs the Entertainment Technology Center VISIT: