Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES 4nd PlanCoast Conference Climate.


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Presentation transcript:

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES 4nd PlanCoast Conference Climate change and growing sea use pressures: Solutions offered by Marine Spatial Planning Slavko Mezek RRC Koper Berlin, 20 th November 2007

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Coastal area in Slovenia - South Primorska, 8 municipalities; 1524 km2, 7,5% of national territory; cca inhabitants, (6% of national population); Slika regije, z mejami občin, Slika Slovenije, znotraj nje regija;

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES GDP/capita – 2nd region, slo= (2006) Service activities 75% Transport (Port of Koper), tourism, trade

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Limited area (47 km coastline, 180 km2 territorial waters), Shallow north Adriatic/ Bay of Triest (max.50 m, slovenian part – 35 m) Coastal area - national value, Symbolic – window to the world Economic importance, Nature, biodiversity, cultural heritage

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Pressures/ marine users: Energy sector, Maritime transport, Nature, biodiversity Tourism: marinas, Cultural heritage, Fishery, mariculture,

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Energy sector (gas terminal, gas-pipeline); Endesa, Gas natural, TGE gas Engineering

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Marine Spatial Planning – why is important for Slovenia? Global, cross border context: Changing nature of pressures: Political options: (North) Adriatic – A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area or European gas terminal? National context: small size and high importance of coastal-marine area, spatial constrains, conflicts ---- land-sea interconnections; growing pressures on marine uses.

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES PlanCoast contribution Preparation of GIS data relevant to coastal or sea-use- planning Promotion of preparation of Marine Spatial plan – national and for the North Adriatic Awareness capacities raised among local, regional, national, cross-border target groups Recommendations on common principles for Marine- Use-Planning Contribution to spatial planning of a coastal strip in the framework of ICZM/CAMP Slovenia

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES AspectPresent situationReccomendations Legal basis Spatial planning Act; Decree on the types of spatial planning of national significance, Use existent legal framework: Spatial planning act, Link the praparation of MSP to Adriatic River Basin Management Plan Responsibility/ institutions National responibility MESP, Directorate for Spatal Planning Local level – spatial planning of the coastal strip National responsibility/MESP - (Option – regional – accordig to Regions act??)

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES AspectPresent situationReccomendations Public participation Strategic spatial plan preparation – with no (explicit) public participation Public participation in MSP preparation and adoption should be mandatory International/cross border cooperation Trilateral Commission (Slovenian – Croatian - Italian) for the protection of the Adriatic and the coastal areas against pollution Strenghten international/CB cooperation Trilateral commission – preparation of common strategic orientations and MSP for the Adriatic,

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Spatial planning of a coastal strip Data base on spatial regimes on the coastal strip, Integration – GIS; Definition of a spatial coastal management unit – protected coastal strip Guidelines for spatial planning in the coastal strip

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Coast Koper - Izola

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Coast Koper - Izola

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES Thank You for your attention

Slavko Mezek, Regional Development Centre Koper Project is partly founded by European Union, program Interrreg IIIB CADSES SLOVENIJA in pictures