CQFW - Commonality of Transferability and Progression EARALL 28 March 2008 Trevor Clark, Head of Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Commonality of Transferability & Progression
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Commonality of Transferability & Progression Credit and Qualification Framework for Wales - Meta Framework Eight Levels and based on the principles of learning outcomes 3 / 4 Main Pillars of learning Priority to raise and recognise overall skills levels Exploring Care, Tourism and Hospitality (Ryder Cup) and Construction
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Commonality of Transferability & Progression European Qualification Framework (EQF) – translation device for comparing qualifications and a neutral reference point and system for classifying levels EQF - Meta Framework Eight Levels and based on the principles of learning outcomes Wales central to the testing EQF principles with 8 country partnership due to complete December 2008
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Transnational Recognition of Migrant Workers ESF Across Borders - transnational recognition of migrant workers Stage One Map qualifications across to National Frameworks if available Stage Two Align Qualifications against EQF Stage Three Explore relationship of learning outcomes and qualifications across Regions Prepare Sectoral Articulation agreements through the ESF across Regions Transnational Recognition of Migrant Workers
CQFW - Commonality of Transferability and Progression Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Commonality of Transferability & Progression The iceberg of learning The vision in Wales is that a system which only recognises formal learning seems to be totally inappropriate and is seriously undervaluing the worth of that society. We feel that unrecognised assets will not be used - and can and does shut out an important part of society and actually discourage too many too enter into active learning.
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Commonality of Transferability & Progression Non-Regulated Learning: the challenge Complicated and ground breaking work: Testing the development of Quality Assurance guidelines for recognition of learning outside regulated qualifications and HE Explore policy for APL/ APEL