Act V Summary
Edmund Regan Gentleman Soldiers (no lines) Goneril Albany Edgar
Edmund sends the Gentleman to Albany to see if he has changed his mind about joining together to fight against France. Regan asks Edmund if he has been sleeping with Goneril since she, too, is in love with him; Edmund denies it, saying it is beneath Regan to think so basely. Albany and Goneril enter. Goneril admits in an aside that she’d rather lose the war than lose Edmund to Regan. Albany reports that Lear has found his way to Cordelia and the French army and that he will ally with Edmund, putting aside the domestic quarrels between his house and Cornwall’s. They begin to exit to go plan their attack.
Edgar enters, disguised as a common peasant, asks to speak with Albany. He sends Goneril, Edmund and Regan on so he can speak with Edgar. Edgar hands Albany Goneril’s letter plotting to kill him so she can be with Edmund, asks Albany to read it before battle and, if they are victorious, ring a bell. He promises to produce a champion who will support it’s authenticity. Albany asks him to wait so he can read it in front of him, but Edgar insists he read it alone. Edgar exits.
Edmund enters and tells Albany that the French army is in view and it’s time to fight. Albany exits. Alone, Edmund comments that both sisters want him, are jealous of each other, yet he can’t be with both if both are alive. Goneril will be mad if he chooses Regan, the widow, but Goneril is married, so he can’t be with her. He says it’s up to Goneril he she wants to be with him – she needs to kill Albany herself. Edmund reveals he plans to have Lear and Cordelia killed if France loses, not show mercy as Albany would.
In a brief moment as they walk across the stage... No lines… showing defeat… Soldiers Lear Cordelia Edgar Gloucester
Edgar has Gloucester sit for a moment, leaves to find out how the battles going. Edgar returns, says the French army has been defeated. Lear and Cordelia have been arrested. Gloucester is giving up, but Edgar convinces him to leave, saying “Men must endure / their going hence even as their coming hither,” suggesting that he knows Gloucester will die.
Edmund Lear Cordelia Captain Regan Albany Goneril Edgar
Edmund sends Lear and Cordelia to prison. Before they go, Cordelia says she and Lear are the not first to be punished for doing the right thing and asks to see her sisters. Lear says he doesn’t need to see Goneril and Regan, says he and Cordelia will be “like birds i’ th’ cage.” He will ask for Cordelia’s forgiveness and will gladly spend the rest of his days in prison with her. The gods will recognize their honorable sacrifice. After they exit, Edmund bribes their guard to kill them, saying, “to be tender-minded / does not become a sword.” The captain says that he will do it as he is man.
Albany, Goneril, Regan and soldiers enter. Albany commends Edmund’s valour and asks for Cordelia and Lear. Edmund tells Albany that he has sent them to prison where he turn his former subjects against Albany and company. Albany chastises Edmund for overstepping his bounds, saying, “I hold you but a subject of this war, / not as a brother.” Regan defends Edmund, saying he acted in her place and as she wished and that she plans to make him Albany’s brother-in-law. Goneril angrily replies that it’s his actions, not Regan’s love that makes him worthy of voicing his opinion.
Goneril and Regan fight about Edmund, but Regan says she cannot argue much as she is “not well.” She tells Edmund he is her “lord and master” and that everything she has is now his. Albany questions why Goneril is so angry about Regan’s pronouncement and pronounces Edmund a traitor and adulterer, calling out Goneril in the process and saying if Regan needs to marry, she can marry him since his marriage to Goneril is now over. Albany has the bell rung and challenges Edmund to a duel.
As Albany challenges Edmund, Regan continues to grow sicker and Goneril reveals she poisoned her. Edmund accepts the duel offer, claiming to have been maligned, says he will prove his innocence by fighting Albany or whoever he chooses to be his champion. Regan is taken away, growing sicker. A herald calls for a champion to come forward to fight in Albany’s place, publicly decries Edmund’s treason.
Edgar enters in battle armor, says his name is “lost” to treason but that he’s noble. He challenges Edmund as a knight. Edmund says he should know his name before they fight, but as Edmund dislikes knights, he will fight anyway. They fight. Edmund is wounded. Albany charges Edgar to spare Edmund’s life. Goneril decries the fight, saying Edmund was deceived and did not have to fight an unnamed opponent. Albany tells her to shut her mouth and denounces her treasonous murder plot against him, showing the letter.
Goneril tells Albany he has no power over the laws, that she controls it all until he shows her the treasonous letter. She leaves. Albany sends a soldier after her. Edmund admits he is guilty of every charge brought against him and “much, much more.” He says if Edgar is noble, he did the right thing, and he asks who Edgar is. Edgar reveals who he is – the legitimate son – and that the gods have given each of them their just rewards – Gloucester lost his eyes for believing Edmund and having a bastard son. Edmund admits he is back to where he began.
Albany apologizes for any ill treatment Edgar received and asks where he’d been and how he knew of Gloucester’s fate. Edgar admits to playing “Poor Tom” and taking care of Gloucester. When Edgar told Gloucester who he really was, Glouester’s heart – torn between “two extremes of passion, joy and grief” – burst of happiness and he died. Edmund says Edgar’s news has spurred him to wanting to make good but asks Edgar to continue.
Edgar also reveals that Kent has been here in disguise, helping Lear, and nearly died of grief when he saw Gloucester had died. A Gentleman enters carrying a bloody knife. Goneril has killed herself and Regan is dead from Goneril’s poison. Edmund admits to having an affair with both of them. Albany asks that their bodies be brought out. Kent enters to say goodbye to Lear, and Albany asks Edmund where Lear and Cordelia are.
Edmund, in a fit of doing good, says they should hurry to get them before they are killed. He sends his sword with a captain as proof of the order to stay their execution, reveals he and Goneril sent the order and to make it look like Cordelia killed herself. Edmund is taken off stage. Lear enters, carrying Cordelia’s body. Lear rages at the men who killed her, asks for a mirror to check to see if she still breathes, says he killed the man who was hanging her. Kent reveals he was Caius, tells Lear R&G are dead.
A messenger arrives, tells that Edmund is dead. Albany says he will give Lear back the throne, that he doesn’t want it. Lear says no, that life without Cordelia is not worth living. Lear dies. Edgar tries to revive Lear, but Kent tells him to let Lear rest in peace. Albany tells Kent and Edgar that they shall rule jointly. Kent declines, says he will join Lear in death. Edgar is now king, says “we that are young / shall never see so much nor live as long” as Lear. THE END.