Renewable Heat Incentive Workshop Woodheat Solutions March 2011 Ian Tubby PPG Woodfuel Officer Forestry Commission England
2 Presentation overview Why is FC interested in renewable heat? What can it do to help the market develop?
3 Renewable Power From Digest of UK Energy Statistics 2010 (long term trends)
4 Long term price trends From FC Timber Price Indicies published 11 November 2010
5 Hardwood deliveries
6 Unharvested resource
7 What we are doing Engaging woodland owners – increasing fuel supply Woodfuel WIG – improving access to the resource Engaging with end users and fuel producers and government on standards, best practice, sustainability Promoting RHI – essential to increase market and hence increase area of woodland in management Tech transfer to the sector and the public via Biomass Energy Centre, Woodfuel Coordinators Woodfuel Implementation Plan will summarise actions – June 2010
8 Thank you! Technical information on bioenergy systems available at My contact details: Mobile: