ER Diagrams Entity Relationship Attributes
Some other symbols for ER- Diagrams Multivalued attributes
Some other symbols for ER- Diagrams
Weak entity: ◦An entity that depends on another entity Key attribute: o A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing characteristic of the entity
Some other symbols for ER- Diagrams Multivalued attribute: A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. For example, an employee entity can have multiple skill values. Derived attribute: A derived attribute is based on another attribute. For example, an employee's monthly salary is based on the employee's annual salary.
Some other symbols for ER- Diagrams Composite attribute: ◦An attribute that has its own attributes.
Relationships in ER-Diagrams There are three types of relationships: 1.Binary relationship 2.Recursive relationship 3.Ternary relationship
Binary relationships ◦Relationship between two entities ◦Cardinality ◦It has further 3 types: 1.One to one relationship 2.One to many relationship 3.Many to many relationship
Binary relationships 1- One to one relationship This relationship seems rare in this world
Binary relationships One to many relationship: It reflects business rule in which one entity is related to many number of other entity.
Binary relationships Many to many relationship: Many entities have relationship to many other entities
Recursive relationship When an entity has relationship with its own.
Ternary relationship Relationship pf degree three is called ternary relationship
Participation Constraints in ER- Diagrams Total Participation: Each entity in the entity is involved in the relationship. Total participation is represented by double lines. Partial participation: Not all entities are involved in the relation ship. Partial participation is represented by single line.