BY: GASSIE ORR JABARE MITCHELL TYSHUN JONES Information Systems (Android Application)
Overview of Project Introduction Purpose of the project Project Plan Usecase Diagram Usecase Specifications Breakdown of individual usecases Discuss Sequence Diagrams Functional Test Show Screen Shots of Application
Overview of Project (Continued) Discuss ER and Class Diagram Data Dictionary Discuss Dataflow Diagram Evolution Closing Remarks
Introduction The students in Prof. Nowicki’s Information Systems Design and Development class came up with a system design that we believe would be beneficial to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. A GPS application based on FAMU’s campus area, usable by Faculty, Students and campus police. It will give directions to various buildings, parking lots, and bus routes according to where they are located on the campus.
Introduction Will also include a variety of special features to go along with this application such as a special events section, which will describe the different types of events going on around the campus. An example of one of the features that will be included on our system will be the alerts section. will include our “They Towing” alert system application that allows users to be educated about the campus of Florida A&M and also for efficiency when trying to get around on the campus.
Purpose The purpose of this system is to provide a Navigation system specifically for Florida A&M University. We also would like for our system to pr0vide a more efficient way of getting around our campus. ….. And of course for an “A” grade!!!
Project Plan Our project plan consist of 8 steps…. 1. Start Project 2. Project Specifications Finalized 3. Android Phone Acquired 4. Android App Developer Software Downloaded 5. Best GPS and Mapping Systems Chosen 6. Application programming Completed 7. GPS and Mapping Interface Completed 8. Project Completion Diagram on next slide…
Project Plan (PERT Chart)
Use case Diagram From a list of stakeholders we narrowed it down to 3 actors. This diagram shows what the actors are capable of doing, but not limiting them to the things that are around them, because some of the actors can do things other actors can do. A way of reducing redundancy
Use case Diagram (Diagram)
Use Case Specifications Our use case specifications come from the “can do’s” in the Use Case Diagram. A total of 12 basic features that we believe are vital to our systems success. Over time new features will be included. For better understanding we will show you the Use Case Specification each with… Sequence diagram- includes all classes that go along with the Use case. Function Test Case- an example in words of the use case Screenshots w/ appropriate data.
Use Case Specification (Find a Parking Spot)
Sequence Diagram (Find a Parking Spot)
Function Test Case (Find a Parking Space)
Screen Shot (Find A Parking Spot) General Step 1 (Of all cases) Step 2
Screen Shot (Find A Parking Spot) Step 3
Screen Shot (Take Me to Next Class) Step 1 Step 2
Take Me to Next Class (Alternate Flow) Step 1 Step 2
Use Case Specification (Get Safety Alert)
Sequence Diagram (Get Safety Alert)
Screen Shot (Get Safety Alert)
Use Case Specification (Get they Towing Alerts)
Screen Shot (Get they Towing Alerts)
Sequence Diagram (Save Location)
Function Test Case (Save Location)
Screen Shot (Save Location) Bragg Stadium Entered in TextBox Saved Location In Blue
Use Case Specification (Post Safety Alerts)
Sequence Diagram (Post Safety Alerts)
Function Test Case (Post Safety Alerts)
Screen Shot (Post Safety Alerts)
Use Case Specification (Post they Towing Alerts)
Sequence Diagram (Post they Towing Alerts)
Function Test Case (Post they Towing Alerts)
Sequence Diagram Edit Class Schedule(Remove)
Sequence Diagram Edit Class Schedule(Add)
Screen Shot Edit Class Schedule (Add) Step 1 Step 2
Screen Shot Edit Class Schedule (Add) Step 3
Screen Shot Edit Class Schedule (Remove) Step 1 Step 2
Screen Shot Edit Class Schedule (Add) Step 3
ER Diagram The ER Diagram shows the relationship between entities along with the attributes that go along with each of them.
ER Diagram
Data Dictionary The Data Dictionary is a list of all the Entities we believe that we will need that explain the attributes, the types, the key, and a description. These are also found on the ER diagram.
Data Dictionary Instructor
Data Dictionary Student
Data Dictionary (User)
Data Dictionary (Parking Lot)
Data Dictionary (location)
Dataflow Diagram The Dataflow Diagram shows the flow of how all the use cases are carried out, it does not show any relationships it just explains the flow of the system.
Dataflow (diagram)
Evolution Like we stated previously there would be new features that we would like to include on the system. Here is a list of a couple features we would like to have in design by the time the first system comes out.
Closing Remarks 1This completes our system design. Like previously stated the goal is to make getting around the campus more efficient and effective. Possible specifications to leave out or alter: Bus Route Feature