DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 1 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Talking to Power PMAC November 2013
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 2 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Communications Power PMAC provides powerful communications tools using standard interfaces and protocols Employs standard 100 MHz / 1 GHz Ethernet physical link Uses protocols from all 4 “layers” of Internet Protocol Suite Acts as “server” in client/server model, host computer is “client” Can communicate in direct link to host computer for setup or in application Can communicate over LAN and/or Internet Accepts text commands using Telnet or SSH –Commands can be to Linux computer prompt –Commands can be to Power PMAC application Can transfer files using FTP Can transfer HTML information using HTTP
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 3 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data General Internet Protocol Suite Overview Set of communications protocols for Internet and similar networks Consists of 4 “encapsulated” abstraction layers –Link Layer (lowest) Handles specific networking requirements on the local link e.g. ARP, NDP, MAC (for Ethernet, DSL, FDDI) –Internet Layer Provides basic datagram transmission between (potentially) different networks e.g. IPv4, IPv6 –Transport Layer Establishes data channels between host ports e.g. UDP, TCP, RTP, DCCP, RSVP –Application Layer (highest) Implements process-to-process communications across network(s) e.g. Telnet, SSH, FTP, HTTP, DHCP, POP, SMTP
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 4 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Power PMAC Internet Protocol Suite Use Link layer protocol supported: –Media Access Control (MAC) for Ethernet –Uses unique physical address of device (not changeable) Internet layer protocol supported: –Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) –Each Power PMAC has a user-settable IP address (e.g ) Transport layer protocol supported: –Transport Communications Protocol (TCP) –For reliable, ordered data transmission Application layer protocols supported –Telnet: for open text communications by virtual terminal –Secure Shell (SSH): for protected text communications by virtual terminal –File Transfer Protocol (FTP): For moving entire files (of any type) –Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): For hypermedia information (e.g. web)
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 5 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Starting a Terminal Utility to Talk to Power PMAC Almost all PCs have terminal utility programs installed To start Windows’ “cmd.exe”: –Windows XP: Click on “Start”, “Run”, type “cmd”, click on “OK” –Windows 7: Click on Windows logo, type “cmd” {enter} –At prompt, type “telnet {IPAddress}” To start Windows XP’s HyperTerminal: –Click on “Start”, “Programs”, “Accessories”, “Communications”, “HyperTerminal” –Can provide connection name and icon, then click “OK” –For “Connect using”, select “TCP/IP (Winsock)” –For “Port Number”, enter “22” (for SSH) or “23” (for Telnet) –For “Host Address”, enter {IPAddress} (e.g. “ ”) –Click “OK” In both cases, should now get login prompt from Power PMAC
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 6 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Starting Power PMAC Telnet Session At login prompt – e.g.: Power PMAC Debian Based GNU/Linux 5.0 powerpmac login: Type “root” At password prompt, type {password} (“deltatau”) Will get response like the following: Power PMAC 440EP bash shell – You are now talking to the Linux computer (but not the PMAC app) Type “gpascii” to start the PMAC communications app Will get response: STDIN Open for ASCII input You are now talking to the PMAC application, and can now use Power PMAC in terminal mode Can exit gpascii by sending
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 7 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Example Terminal Session
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 8 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Establishing IDE Communications When execution of IDE is started, communications setup window appears Confirm that IP address, user, and password are correct. Click on “Connect” or IDE then attempts to establish communications with Power PMAC through SSH Can bypass this window in future by setting “SelectDeviceAtStartUp” to “False”
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 9 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data IDE Communications to Power PMAC Terminal and status windows use text communications through gpascii and SSH (older versions use Telnet) Project manager uses FTP to copy project files to Power PMAC Tuning and plotting use SSH for setup, FTP for transferring gathered data
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 10 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Changing Power PMAC’s IP Address From IDE “Tools” menu, select “Options” Expand “Power PMAC” from left section of pop- up window Select “Network Settings” Enter new desired IP address Click on “Test” If successful, click on “Apply Permanently”
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 11 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Finding an Unknown IP Address Method 1: –On PC, create root-level folder named PowerPmacIP on USB memory stick or SD card that employs FAT32 partitioning (very standard) –Plug USB stick or SD card into Power PMAC –Turn on Power PMAC –After boot sequence is complete (when relay clicks), turn off Power PMAC and remove USB stick or SD card –On PC, view contents of interfaces text file in PowerPmacIP folder to find IP address Method 2: –Connect host computer RS-232 port to Power PMAC RS-232 port –Start terminal utility (e.g. HyperTerminal, PuTTY) on PC to use this COM port –Turn on Power PMAC, wait for command prompt –Login as root, then enter password (deltatau) –Watch terminal display for IP address
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 12 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data FTP Access to Power PMAC In browser, specify “ftp://{IPaddress}” FTP protocol permits access to Power PMAC’s directories and files for the active project Can be used from Browser program, as shown here Access limited to active directories with user project files (/var/ftp/usrflash)
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 13 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data On-Line vs. Buffered Script Commands On-line Script commands –Executed immediately, not stored (cannot be listed back) –Some are motor-specific, acting on addressed or listed motor –Some are coordinate-system-specific, acting on addressed or listed C.S. –Some are global –Independent addressing of motor and C.S. for different communications threads Buffered Script program commands –Stored in open program buffer for future execution –Separate step required for actual execution –Illegal command empties open buffer, prohibits further commands into it –If no program buffer open when sent: Rejected with error if not also valid as on-line command (e.g. X10) Executed immediately if also valid as on-line command (e.g. P1=1) On-line and buffered commands have separate chapters in SW Reference Manual
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 14 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Addressing Motors and Coordinate Systems Many on-line commands are motor or coordinate-system specific Each communications thread has independent addressing of motor and C.S. Power-on/reset default addressing is Motor 0 (#0) and C.S. 0 (&0) #x command, &x command modally address Motor x, C.S. x With modal addressing, do not need to precede each command with addressing (useful for interactive work) #{list} (e.g. #1..3), &{list} (e.g. &2,4,6) specify multiple motors, C.S.’s affected by immediately following command, do not affect modal addressing of thread #*, &* specify that all motors, C.S.’s be affected by immediately following command (e.g. #*k, &*a), do not affect modal addressing of thread #, & commands query for modally addressed motor, C.S.
DELTA TAU Data Systems, Inc. 15 UMAC TurboTurbo PMAC PCIGeo Drive Single Source Machine Control motion logic data Echo Mode of Variable Query Responses echo {constant} command specifies format of many variable query command responses for this communications thread {constant} value (0.. 31) has 5 independent control bits –Bit 0 (value 1) controls response to data structure element value queries –Bit 1 (value 2) controls response to user variable value queries –Bit 2 (value 4) controls response to variable definition queries –Bit 3 (value 8) controls hex vs. decimal value response for bit-field elements –Bit 4 (value 16) controls numeric vs. text response for backup…status Bits 0, 1, & 2 specify long-form vs. short-form responses –Bit = 0 specifies long-form, echoing command in response (e.g. P1=7.5) –Bit = 1 specifies short-form, sending queried value only (e.g. 7.5) Long-form response string suitable for resending as setting command Short-form response string is more compact backup command always uses long-form response