Formatvorlage des Untertitelmasters durch Klicken bearbeiten PlanCoast – Contribution to Maritime Spatial Planning by Bernhard Heinrichs Director of Spatial Planning Department Ministry of Transport, Building and Regional Development Mecklenburg – Vorpommern PlanCoast Lead Partner Formatvorlage des Untertitelmasters durch Klicken bearbeiten My Role here: PlanCoast LP but experience from MV 1 Bernhard Heinrichs: maritime spatial planning
PlanCoast Project Area 3 seas 10 countries 16 partner
What do we want to achieve? to use Spatial Planning for successful implementation of ICZM to establish Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) as a necessary tool in the EU Maritime Strategy
PlanCoast project structure National reports on current MSP and ICZM preconditions Regional study Adriatic Region Pilot projects Pilot projects Transnational comparative study Recommendations on Spatial Planning in ICZM Recommendations on Maritime Spatial Planning +
Why integrated Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)? We don‘t know the future… … but more and more uses will have to get along within the same areas
Many users, growing pressure … on the coast … in coastal waters … in the EEZ and beyond
Why integrated Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)? MSP can help to cope with new Trends, New offshore technologies Mari culture Rapid growth of maritime transport
Uses in the Baltic Sea
Uses in the Baltic Sea
How to do MSP? Example Netherlands Integrated Management Plan for the North Sea 20015
How to do MSP? Example Irish Sea Proposed Multiple Use Zoning Map
Sea Use Planning of the German Baltic Sea ( MV )
Selection criteria for off shore windfarms in MV Since 90ties search for suitable areas for wind farms Spatial planning department statd invstigation of uses and restrictions for wind farms in the 12sm zone Red: taboo areas, esp. Nature protection, shipping routes, miltary areas Green special/srong restriction, esp. important areas for extraction and mining ,Landscape 10 km zone from the coastal line because tourism orange: moderate restriction, esp. Main route of bird migration Conclusion: only two suitable areas
Detail: pipeline corridor
Draft Spatial Plan EEZ of Baltic Sea
What are the expected benefits of MSP? Different expectations depending on the starting point: Better visibility of uses and use conflicts Ensuring best possible co-existence of uses Conflict resolution Allocating space to new uses Security for long-term investors…. Securing acceptance through transparent process
Which role does Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) play in MSP? TIA provides a project orientated spatial conflict resolution, where a comprehensive spatial plan is not needed Check large-scale infrastructure projects at an early stage of planning
Which issues are checked in TIA? In principle: All relevant issues! Economy Environment TIA Society Culture
TIA , SEA and EIA Environment Spatial Development TIA Territorial Impact Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment project level SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment programme level
Example Windfarm Baltic 1 Main issues : - Collision risk - nature protection - tourism
What are the benefits of TIA ? managing conflicts by early participation of target groups 2) minimizing negative impacts and costs by optimizing the choice for location / routing / technical planning 3) ensuring planning reliability by giving early and reliable information about realisation chances 4) shortening the whole planning process by pre-checking crucial points 5) securing spatial planning objectives by the duty to take TIA results into account in the following process 6) supporting local administrations in case of large-scale investments
Conclusion Spatial planning is an indispensable instrument for coordinating activities at sea and in the coastal regions and for sustainable resource management in these areas.
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