Sentaurus Introduction & Step-by-Step Manual Chen Shi 09/16/2015
Tool Flow in Synopsys TCAD Design the device Simulate the device Temperature, Bias Stimulus Analyse the simulation results Bandgap IV curve Carrier distribution ……
Different color indicates different status of the node
Part 1: Preparation
Step 1. Launch Sentaurus TCAD in Linux In VSE Lab 1506, Power-on the Linux virtual machine and log-in with your Mason Account (The virtual machine is on the desktop with icon name "VSLINUX“; Double click the icon and then press “powe-on the machine”.) Open the terminal and type two commands: module add synopsys/SentaurusTCAD/H-2013.03-SP2 To load the necessary modules to run the tool; swb To launch Sentaurus TCAD;
Step 2. Choose your project directory It is better to create a new folder (like Windows system) and put your projects in the specific folder.
Step 3. Create New Project and Add tools 1. Project > New Project 3. Choose tools 2. Right click and “add tools”
6. right click SDE and add another tool 4. Choose SDE and click OK 5. click OK 6. right click SDE and add another tool 7. Similarly, add another tool: SDEVICE Note: you should make SDEVICE is after SDE here
Note: you can save your project at any time Note: you can save your project at any time. When you create a new project and save it the first time, you will be required to name the project.
Part 2: SDE
Preparation Two methods: Draw your device(Graphic interface) Using command to describe the device(Command interface) Preparation Step 1: Draw the device(Shape & Coordinates; Material) Step 2: Doping Step 3: Contacts Step 4: Meshing Step 5: Build Mesh 1. Right click SDE and choose Edit Input > Boundary file
Draw > make “exact coordinates” selected; material Selection level Draw > make “exact coordinates” selected; Prepare a txt file to record every command when you finish each step Control the view angle Command Window
Step 1. Draw the device 1. Draw a cuiboid Make sure the material is chosen as “Silicon” Draw> 3D create tools > create Cuboid (click anywhere and hold the left button, drag it to another position, then release it; Then hit the left button one more time, you will get it) Fill the coordinates of the Cuiboid to rotate the device with the mouse To reset the view angle
2. Draw another Cuiboid in the same way but different coordinates
Step 2. Doping 1. Define P-type Doping Doping region 1. Define P-type Doping Click the “constant profile Placement” icon Finish the table Click “Add Placement” and close it Doping species Doping concentration
2. Define N-type Doping
Step 3. Contacts 1. Contact Sets: Contact Menu > Contact Sets Create “Anode” contact as the figure shows. After finishing the table, click “Set”. Similarly Create “Cathode” contact.
2. Set Contacts: Choose “Anode”, click Activate; “choose button” 2. Set Contacts: Choose “Anode”, click Activate; Choose “Select Face” in the select level; Choose the face of the p-doped region (make sure you select the “choose button” so that you can “choose”) (if necessary, try to rotate the device) Contacts Menu > Set contacts Same way to Set the Cathode to the face of N-type region
Step 4. Meshing Mesh Menu> MultiBox Placement Finish the table After you finish these coordinates, click “Define” Mesh Menu> MultiBox Placement Finish the table Click “Add Placement”
Step 5. Build Mesh Mesh Menu > Build Mesh Finish table(use the default one is okay) Click the “Build Mesh”
Using the command interface Right click SDE and choose Edit Input > Commands
Create two cuiboid silicon region (sdegeo:create-cuboid (position 0 0 0) (position 0.5 0.5 0.5) "Silicon" "region_1") (sdegeo:create-cuboid (position 0 0 0.5) (position 0.5 0.5 1) "Silicon" "region_2") (sdedr:define-constant-profile "ConstantProfileDefinition_1" "BoronActiveConcentration" 1e15) (sdedr:define-constant-profile-region "ConstantProfilePlacement_1" "ConstantProfileDefinition_1" "region_1") (sdedr:define-constant-profile "ConstantProfileDefinition_2" "ArsenicActiveConcentration" 1e19) (sdedr:define-constant-profile-region "ConstantProfilePlacement_2" "ConstantProfileDefinition_2" "region_2") (sdegeo:define-contact-set "Cathode" 4 (color:rgb 1 1 1 ) "##") (sdegeo:define-contact-set "Anode" 4 (color:rgb 1 0 0 ) "||") (sdegeo:set-current-contact-set "Cathode") (sdegeo:define-3d-contact (list (car (find-face-id (position 0.25 0.25 0)))) "Cathode") (render:rebuild) (sdegeo:set-current-contact-set "Anode") (sdegeo:define-3d-contact (list (car (find-face-id (position 0.25 0.25 1)))) "Anode") (sdedr:define-refeval-window "RefEvalWin_1" "Cuboid" (position 0 0 0) (position 0.5 0.5 1) ) (sdedr:define-multibox-size "MultiboxDefinition_1" 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 1 1 1 ) (sdedr:define-multibox-placement "MultiboxPlacement_1" "MultiboxDefinition_1" "RefEvalWin_1" ) (sde:set-meshing-command "snmesh -a -c boxmethod") (sdedr:append-cmd-file "") (sde:build-mesh "snmesh" "-a -c boxmethod" "sdemodel") Create two cuiboid silicon region Define the doping Define the contacts Define the mesh Note: Replace the last line with the new command (sde:build-mesh "snmesh" "-a -c boxmethod" "n@node@")
{ name="Cathode" Voltage=0.0 } { name="Anode" Voltage=0.0 } File { Grid = "@tdr@" Plot = "@tdrdat@" Current = "@plot@" Output = "n@node@" } Electrode { { name="Cathode" Voltage=0.0 } { name="Anode" Voltage=0.0 } Physics { Mobility( DopingDep HighFieldSaturation Enormal ) EffectiveIntrinsicDensity( oldSlotboom ) Math { Extrapolate RelErrControl Notdamped=50 Iterations=20 FILE SECTION The input file(from SDE) Sometimes you may need parameter files. Output file XXX.tdr------ Device figure XXX.plt------ Plot file XXX.log, XXX.out----log files Right Click the SDEVICE tool, Edit Input > Command Paste the command files. Plot { eDensity hDensity eCurrent hCurrent ElectricField eEnormal hEnormal eQuasiFermi hQuasiFermi Potential Doping SpaceCharge SRH Auger AvalancheGeneration eMobility hMobility DonorConcentration AcceptorConcentration Doping eVelocity hVelocity } Solve { Quasistationary( InitialStep=1e-3 MaxStep=0.5 Goal{Name="Cathode" Voltage=2.0} ){Coupled{Poisson Electron Hole} CurrentPlot(Time=(Range=(0 1) Intervals=20)) Plot Section What parameter will be showed in the XXX.tdr output file ELECTRODE SECTION Solve Section How to simulate the device PHYSICS SECTION What models will be used MATH SECTION About calculation issue
When you finish it, save the command file and close it. Use “Ctrl+R” to run the project. Or Choose the target node(I figured it out in this figure), and click “run button”. run button Double click the target node, you can track the running status with more details. File content If something is wrong in the simulation, you can try to check the XXX.out and XXX.err to debug. Log Files
XXX.tdr output file: Show the device figure. Choose different region or contacts or material to show Another important tool:Cut Choose what parameter you’d like to see(you have to define them in Physic Section in SDEVICE code as we mentioned above) The Plot Properties
XXX.plt output file: Show the plot curve. 1. Choose the data set 2. Choose X-Axis(usually chose time as X-Axis) Notes: You can only choose one X-Axis value. But you can choose many Y-Axis manual. This way you just get many curves. 3. Choose Y-Axis(Here we choose Cathode TotalCurrent as the Y value)