Rehabilitation of the Odessa beaches as a basic for increasing the recreational potential of the Odessa agglomeration. A draft proposal for a sea-use-plan for 12 sm maritime zone of Odessa agglomeration
Area of interest within the Pilot Project
Objectives GIS-Database created and operational with up-to-date and internationally comparable data as a basis for spatial planning of the coastal zone and sea area of the Odessa agglomeration Analysis of current policy, legal basis and procedures of role of spatial planning within ICZM (land- and sea-use) in Ukraine Preparation of a proposal for a sea-use-plan for the 12sm maritime zone of the Odessa agglomeration with the participation of all stakeholders and in accordance to ICZM principles; which will minimise existing and future identified conflicts leading to more investments (planning security), improved environmental conditions and more tourism (improved quality of coast) Recommendations for the future implementation of the ICZM strategy and introduction of sea-use-planning at local, regional, national and transnational (Black Sea Commission) level in Ukraine Basis laid for introduction of sea-use-planning also of other 12 sm maritime areas of the coastal zones of the Black Sea and Azov Sea coastal oblast
The work will be aimed on the following aspects: Analyze of investigation works for increasing the quality of the beaches within the Odessa agglomeration Economical calculations for increasing the quality of the beaches within the Odessa agglomeration Preparation the proposal for a sea-use-plan for 12 sm maritime zone of Odessa agglomeration
Problems that can raise within the fulfillment of the Pilot Project Late signature of the contract May-June The end of the whole Pilot Project – Data collection There are no problems because at this state more than 50% of the participants are aware of there participation in the project Specific of the legal framework in our country Law no XII On environment protection (date – 25/06/1991); Law no XII On the principles of town planning (date – 16/11/1992); Law no III On resorts (date – 05/10/2000); Law no. 962-IV On land protection (date – 19/06/2003); Law no III On Common programme of establishment of national environmental network of Ukraine for the period (date – 21/09/2000); Law no. 858-IV On land management (date – 22/05/2003); Law no XII On nature reserve fund of Ukraine (date – 16/06/1992); The Land Code of Ukraine (no III, date – 25/10/2001); The Water Code of Ukraine (no. 213/95-BP, date – 06/06/1995).
Problems that can raise within the fulfillment of the Pilot Project Technical problems in GIS For creating the GIS database most of the equipment and software is in place. The tools for creating the GIS data base will be: ArcIMS 9.1 (interactive services ATLAS, MAOSIS) and ArcGIS 9.1 for creation of maps of ecological sensitivity of the Black Sea coastal zone to oil spill and some thematic maps in the scale 1: , 1:50 000, and some parts of the coastal zone 1: For guaranteeing of the access to the information we need the rest of equipment within the PlanCoast Project Subcontractors funding For creating the GIS database we will invite the experts in various fields of knowledge such as: Environmental protection Protection and sustainable management of natural resources Wind energy plants Main shipping routes Cables and pipelines Fishing Tourism