After Fall Break PROJECT “Who am I?” You will present yourself in ASL to the class Using the Computer & Save it on a Flash Drive… create a ONE page poster/slide (Must be a Word Document or PowerPoint) Describe your personality. Include likes, interests, and hobbies. BE CREATIVE! Must have at least 10 pictures but no more than 15 Besides your name, NO WORDS can be printed on the page You must also include a “sound bite” that you can download and attach to your personality page or access via your cell phone/iPod. You will need to teach the class how to sign the phrase. –Example – “Give me a break, Give me a break… break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar” *Word of Advice – typically … students that use a Mac computer have a hard time opening the project here at school. If possible try to use a PC.
The next slide is an example of a “Personality Poster”. Remember to be creative and illustrate your interests!!
That’s all for today! Terrific job this Quarter!!