Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Programming Languages
Dr. Philip Cannata 2 Class Website
Dr. Philip Cannata 3 Textbooks (Required): Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi - Free online book Textbooks (Recommended): "Generating Parsers with JavaCC, Second Edition" by Tom Copeland, Published by Centennial Books, Alexandria, VA. ISBN Tom Copeland "The Definitive Antlr Reference: Building Domain-Specific Languages" Terence Parr (Author) (Pragmatic Programmers) (Paperback) Grading Grades will be calculated on the following scale: A: ; B: 80-89; C: ; D: 60-69; F: Your final grade will be calculated by averaging your performance on Homework, Project(s), Quizzes and Exams with the following weighting: Homework 20%, Quizzes 15%, Project 15%, Exams 25% each. The lowest Quiz and Homework grades will be dropped before calculating a final grade. Quizzes There will be in class quizzes on a very regular basis. These quizzes will be based on day's course lecture material, readings from the course texts, and/or homework. Missed quizzes will be given a grade of zero unless there are extenuating circumstances (see below). Homework Homework exercises will be assigned with an explicit due date. Homework is to be done individually. Late homework will be given a grade of zero unless there are extenuating circumstances (see below). Examinations There will be two closed book exams, a Mid-Term and a Final. These exams must be taken on the specified date and at the specified time. If you miss an exam due to extenuating circumstances (see below), a grade will be negotiated for the exam based on a percentage of your homework, quizzes and other exam scores. Missed exams will be given a grade of zero. Extenuating Circumstances If you have difficulty meeting the requirements of this course, fail to hand in an assignment, or miss an exam because of extenuating circumstances, please advise your instructor in writing (not ) at the earliest possible date so that your situation can be discussed. If you encounter an unexpected medical or family emergency or a random act of Nature that causes you to miss the due date for homework or miss a quiz or exam, you must present suitable documentation in writing (not ) to the instructor before special consideration will be given. A file of all written correspondence will be kept by the instructor and decisions regarding them will be made at the end of the semester. Administration and Policies
Dr. Philip Cannata 4
Dr. Philip Cannata 5 10 Java (Object Oriented) ACL2 (Propositional Induction) Algorithmic Information Theory (Information Compression and Randomness) - Kolmogorov Complexity Orc (Parallel Computing) GpH (Parallel Computing) ASP RDF (Horn Clause Deduction, Semantic Web) Relation Jython in Java This Course High Level Languages
Dr. Philip Cannata 6 You may need two brains
Dr. Philip Cannata 7 Build this using javacc High Level Languages
Dr. Philip Cannata 8 Relation-based (Functional) Languages
Dr. Philip Cannata 9 The tools you will need to get started javac javacc cygwin (if you’re going to be using Windows) ant jython See next pages for downloading and installation
Dr. Philip Cannata 10 Download JDK 6 from Change your path environment variable to include the path to javac Installing javac on Windows This one
Dr. Philip Cannata 11 Installing javacc on Windows
Dr. Philip Cannata 12 Installing javacc on Windows
Dr. Philip Cannata 13 Installing javacc on Windows Download javacc from I put the zip file in C:\Program Files\Java and extracted it to there. So, javacc is in C:\Program Files\Java\javacc-5.0\javacc-5.0\bin Change your path environment variable to include C:\Program Files\Java\javacc-5.0\javacc-5.0\bin or whatever your path is. Do the following to do this: path environment variables are in the System Properties -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables? Add the javacc path to the front of the existing “path” environment variable followed by a semi- colon? Edit the javacc program as follows: #!/bin/sh JAR="`dirname "$0"`/lib/javacc.jar" case "`uname`" in CYGWIN*) JAR="`cygpath --windows -- "$JAR"`" ;; esac java -classpath "$JAR" javacc Put double quotes around $0
Dr. Philip Cannata 14 javacc on the CS machines Greetings, We've installed javacc, the java compiler compiler. This is a parser generator for java. See for details. This will be made available on all departmental machines after our nightly cron job runs this evening. Javacc will be in the default $PATH, so you can access it simply by running 'javacc' from a terminal. However, if you need to use the javacc.jar file, you will need to add its location to your $CLASSPATH environmental variable. I have created a set of shell scripts to ease this process. If you use bash, run the following: source /lusr/share/lib/java/javacc/env.d/append.sh If you run csh or tcsh, run this instead: source /lusr/share/lib/java/javacc/env.d/append.csh Please send mail to gripe if you have any questions. -jason
Dr. Philip Cannata 15 Installing Cygwin from
Dr. Philip Cannata 16 Download Cygwin Install File (Optional)
Dr. Philip Cannata 17 Download Cygwin Install File (Optional) 12 34
Dr. Philip Cannata 18 Download Cygwin Install File (Optional) 12 34
Dr. Philip Cannata 19 Don’t take the Default. See next page. Download Cygwin Install File (Optional)
Dr. Philip Cannata 20 Click here until you have All Install Download Cygwin Install File (Optional)
Dr. Philip Cannata 21 Download Cygwin Install File (Optional)
Dr. Philip Cannata 22 Installing Cygwin
Dr. Philip Cannata 23 Installing Cygwin 12 34
Dr. Philip Cannata 24 Installing Cygwin 12 3
Dr. Philip Cannata 25 Don’t take the Default. See next page. Installing Cygwin
Dr. Philip Cannata 26 Click here until you have All Install Installing Cygwin
Dr. Philip Cannata 27 Installing Cygwin
Dr. Philip Cannata 28 Installing Cygwin Many hours later
Dr. Philip Cannata 29 Installing Cygwin See next page
Dr. Philip Cannata 30 *** Important Cygwin Setup *** Change.bash_profile to have something similar to these 2 lines depending on where your javac and javacc are located. I’m using vi here to change the file.
Dr. Philip Cannata 31 *** Important Cygwin Setup ***
Dr. Philip Cannata 32 URL of repository: Download SVN Client (tortoisesv): Download jython source Create some folder to hold the jython code.
Dr. Philip Cannata 33 Download ant: Build jython $ cd C: $ cd Myjython/jython/ $ vi setEnv.sh $ cat setEnv.sh export PATH="/cygdrive/c/ant-1.8.2/bin:$PATH" export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/java/jdk1.6.0_23" $../setEnv.sh $ ant Buildfile: C:\Myjython\jython\build.xml init: needed-check: clean-if-antlr-needed: init: clean-checkout-dir: clean: prepare-output: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Myjython\jython\build\classes [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Myjython\jython\build\gensrc\org\python\antlr [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Myjython\jython\build\exposed antlr_gen:... You need to create this file using something like wordpad. These need to be the correct paths for your system.
Dr. Philip Cannata 34 Try jython 3. $ Try it out $ dist/bin/jython Jython 2.6a0+ (trunk, Aug , 19:41:57) [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)] on java1.6.0_23 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> >>> (lambda x: x)(4) 4 >>> (lambda x: x+10)(4) 14 >>>