การติดตั้งและทดสอบการทำคลัสเต อร์เสมือนบน Xen, ROCKS, และไท ยกริด Roll Implementation of Virtualization Clusters based on Xen, ROCKS, and ThaiGrid Roll By: Supakit Prueksaaroon 1, Wittaya Konghaped 2, Vara Varavithya 2, and Sornthep Vannarat 1 1 Large-scale Simulation Research Laboratory, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok Present by Wittaya Konghaped Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok
Agenda Introduction to Virtualization technology ROCKS Cluster & ThaiGrid Roll Virtual Cluster Performance Measurement of Virtual Cluster Conclusion
Virtualization Concepts A further virtualization layer in the middle between OS and HW: Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) Allow for multiple concurrent OS instances Modern PCs are powerful enough for creating the illusion of several OS virtual machines to run simultaneously Apps OS HW OS Apps OS VMM Apps HW Apps
Introduction to VM technology Virtual Machine have 3 technologies Emulation, full system simulation, or "full virtualization with dynamic recompilation" — the virtual machine simulates the complete hardware, allowing an unmodified OS for a completely different CPU to be run.Emulationfull system simulation Native virtualization and "full virtualization" — the virtual machine only partially simulates enough hardware to allow an unmodified OS to be run in isolation, but the guest OS must be designed for the same type of CPU. The term native virtualization is also sometimes used to designate that hardware assistance through Virtualization Technology is used.Native virtualizationVirtualization Technology Paravirtualization — the virtual machine does not simulate hardware but instead offers a special API that requires OS modifications.Paravirtualization From:
Full virtualization There is a complete functional ordering between layers Full abstraction of machine (from BIOS to disks, DMA controlers, video…) Virtualization is fully transparent: guest OS unchanged Much more complex to design and implement VMM OS Applications Hardware the interface of HW is fully abstracted
Paravirtualization Not a really hierachical ordering between layers Virtualization is similar to HW interface but neither complete nor identical Guest OSs must be modified to become VM-aware There is a potential gain in performance, due to specialization of kernel code Easier to design But carefully think about interfaces VMM OS Applications Hardware this interface is much more critical, now
Benefit of Virtualization for HPC Better utilize Hardware resources Independent to custom library Easy to create/destroy the guest OSs The key capabilities for: High Availability computing resources Migration The perfect sandbox
ROCKS The tools for create the Cluster computer. Front-node Compute-nodes ROCKS & ROLL architecture Features Cluster tools for management cluster system Support multiple software for HPC and Grid Bio-roll, Grid-roll, Intel-roll, Viz-roll and so on Easy re-build and install compute nodes
ThaiGrid Roll The complete package of ROCKS and integrated Grid packages for support Grid environment in Thailand. ThaiGrid Monitoring tools ThaiGrid CA ThaiGrid scripts Developed by “Thai National Grid Project”
Problems of Native Cluster Application porting Library incompatibility OS & Software version incompatibility Security Configuration complexity High administrative cost Heterogenious operating system support
In this work Initial Study to implement “Virtual Cluster” We implement VM based on ThaiGrid Roll Objectives: To compare overall performance and get the measurement for large scale Virtual cluster simulation. For ThaiGrid Setup can make use of CPU times for others task such as information Server, DB Server and Co- exist well with Grid Services
Goal Shared Grid resources and running concurrent with production resources (Web, Mail, DB server, etc.)
Definition Definition of this work Domain-0 or (Dom-0) is the based OS that Virtual machines are running on Domain-U or (Dom-U) is the guest OS that are running simultaneously with domain-0 OS Apps OS Domain-0 Apps HW Apps VMM Domain-U
Implement concept Build the ThaiGrid Roll and ROCKS Build the prototype Front-end node & Compute node Install Dom-U image (kernel-xenU xen3_86.1_rhel4.1) Copy Data to image file Setup the Dom-0 machine by using Fedora Core 5 Distributing the images to front-end and all compute nodes Front-end Compute
Images Maker Create the copy of prototype compute node image & configuration files “mount –o loop Edit “/etc/hosts”, “/etc/sysconfig/network”, “/etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0” and so on “umount Update SGE or PBS “xm create –c config” Create imageMount image Edit all config file Umount image Update Scheduler Boot up
Experiment Details 3 nodes of Satellite Cluster IBM x336 Dual Xeon processors 2.8GHz RAM 4GB Harddisk SCSI 73GB Intel e1000 network interface Inter-connection 10/100 Mbps HPL benchmark
HPL Benchmarks
Parallel Becnhmark
Conclusion The result show the performance nearly the native linux in case of internal machine High gap-performance in case of parallel machines Virtual Cluster should be based on High-Throughput Computing Xen should be improved the I/O performance This result of this work use for initial implement of Virtual Cluster. Virtualization technology show high potential for HPC
Future Work Simulate large-scale virtualization based on this works and projection performance Scheduling move to Sandbox scheduling than job scheduling Security issues Compatibility issues Investigate high throughput application performance on virtualization technology Formulate virtualization efficiency for computation intensive scheduling
Acknowledgement Thank you ThaiGrid for support the cluster machines.
Thank you & Question
HPL CPU context switch overhead HPL parameter N=9000 NB=64
Percentage of CPU context switch overhead HPL: Overhead =~ 0.66(NumberDomain-U) SPECCPU2000: Overhead =~0.77(NumberDomain-U)