15 Tech Tools in 15 Minutes
Title: Bubbl.us (brainstorming, note taking, organization tool) Link: Specs: No password required, unless you want to save your bubbl
Title: Glogster (edu version; design interactive posters/web pages) Link: Edu.glogster.comEdu.glogster.com Specs: free account required Example:
Title: Museum Box (create virtual box of items) Link: Specs: free account required Example: Human Rights
Title: History Pin (add photos, write stories, explore photos) Link: Specs: search it - no account required; to add or write, a Google account is required
Title: Diigo (collect web articles, highlight, make notes, share) Link: Specs: requires Firefox, a free account, and some training Example: see above
Title: WordItOut (create visual word cloud and save it) Link: Specs: required to save the Word Cloud Example:
Title: BigHuge Labs (design posters, magazine covers, and more!) Link: Example: see example above
Title: GeoGreeting (create pictorial greetings using images from Google Maps Link:
Title: Prezi (presentation tool) Link: Specs: account required; small learning curve Example:
Title: Curate.us (clip pictures of web pages to add to your documents Link: Specs: accounts needed to save clips Example: see above
Title: Khan Academy (opensource video classoom) Link:
Title: Jogthe web (create guides to a series of website Link: Specs: make an account to create a jog Example:
Title: Center for Learning and Performance Technologies (What's new in learning technologies for classrooms? Link:
Title: EdTe.ch (show curriculum connections and provides tool advice) Link: