Year 3 Pop-in Mrs Towers Mrs Baxter Welcome to the
Year 3 curriculum this term Science – Light and Shadows PPA cover – Mrs Hodkinson and Mrs Gash PE – Dance and Ball Skills History – Romans ICT – Text and Graphics and keyboard skills Art – Portraying Relationships - Portraits French – Numbers 1-10 and greetings RE – Christianity SEAL – New Beginnings
Special Days Maths Problem Solving Day – 13 th October European Languages Day – 26 th September Open Day – 29 th September 1:15pm and 5pm – 7pm Open Afternoon for existing parents to look around the school and your child’s classroom. History Trip to The Collection– Tuesday 6 th Dec Individual photos – 4 th October Pantomime– End of term (December)
Challenge/ Daily Sheet e.g. Can you find a better word for ‘said’ beginning with every letter in the alphabet? a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z The daily sheet has both Numeracy and Literacy activities. Settling down to complete the daily challenge Partitioning Problem Solving Doubling and halving Ordering numbers Understanding place value Sequences Inverse
Dear Mrs Towers, I’m afraid I can’t hand my homework in today because an enormous gust of wind suddenly blew it away on my way to school! Firstly, I ran after it because I knew that I would be in trouble, but I wasn’t quick enough and then fell over my shoe lace which had come undone! After that it landed in a puddle and the ink smudged. Use a range of connectives in writing.
Write 4 sentences about your hobby. Try to use some of the punctuation below.. ? !, “ ” …
Literacy We are going to produce our own non- chronological reports about animals. Look at a range of non-fiction books Talk about the key features and how to use them Practice writing sentences/ paragraphs about animals: where they live, what they eat, about their young etc. Make them interesting for the reader! We enjoy producing reports on the computer and learn to them.
LIME Throughout Literacy and the curriculum we use visual material to stimulate and motivate children’s learning. We are developing children’s use of technology through filming and the production of short clips. LAFTA’s! Use images and watch film clips as a stimulus for writing Create short films for the LAFTA’s! Learn how to transfer and edit photos and film using Photostory and Movie Maker Film a documentary about the Romans!
Think of as many words as you can to describe this character
Decide on 3 different beginnings for this setting Dialogue Action Description
Phonics Key Stage 1 GCP and tricky words Year 3 daily continuity ai ck br ea ou ee
Numeracy + ÷ Repeated Addition for Multiplication 3 x 2 = 6 or = 6 Repeated Subtraction for Division 6 ÷ 2 = 3 or – =
Literacy What can you do to help? Talk about the books that you and your child have read. Practise spellings orally and in writing. Practise times tables – 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and/or number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 Support …