ICZM Criteria for Spatial Plans Dipl.Ing. Katarzyna Scibior 1 June 2007
Constanta Background of this study Regional Spatial Planning Office Słupsk Technical University Berlin Faculty of Environmental Planning
Constanta ICZM Criteria Substantial Formal Procedural
Constanta ICZM Themes ICZM should based on a broad overall perspective (thematic and geographic), which will take into account the interdependence and disparity of natural systems and human activities with an impact on coastal areas (2002/413/EC). Key issues of the Polish National ICZM Strategy: 1. Population welfare 2. Safety of the coast 3. State of environment Substantial Criteria How profoundly do following issues find consideration: a) socio-economy b) coastal protection and c) environment, including nature protection
Constanta Thematic Integration Are the thematic parts well integrated with each-other? Are synergies between them identified? Substantial Criteria Practical approach Integration Creating synergies
Constanta Local specificity In particular, coastal zone management should be based on: … local specificity and the great diversity of European coastal zones (2002/413/EC) Is local specificity described in the Study? Alternatively, does the document show a distinct thematic dominant? Substantial Criteria
Constanta Goals and measures Smart formula: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-phased. E.g. Special attention should be paid to maximal protection of coastal forests against damage caused by human pressure Better: Coastal forest in Zone A1 should be protected by effective visitor-steering mechanisms (signs, pick-nick area, attractive paths etc.) in Zone A2 NO SECTOR-GOALS! Better: small-scale zoning for cumulative goals and measures How smart and cumulative are the goals and measures? Substantial Criteria
Constanta Legibility Understandable text Better integration Participation Implementation Formal Criteria Is the language simple and concise? Is the layout clear? Are the chapters structured and labelled in a logical manner??
Constanta Accessibility ICZM process should be open and transparent (HYDER 1999) Environmental information has to be available without an interest having to be stated; and, if possible, in the requested form (Art 4. Aarhus Convention) Essencial condition for -> Participation Formal Criteria Is the plan available online? Is it easily accessible in the municipality council?
Constanta Maps Formal Criteria Has GIS been applied? Is unmistakable linkage with the text possible?Are all goals legibly covered by the Plan? or
Constanta Public Participation Procedural Criteria CONSULTATION 1. MINIMUM LEGAL2. INFORMATION-GIVING 3. INFORMATION GATHERING Publication notification Statutory procedures Right of information Access to committees Written observations Representation at hearings Newsletters Exhibitions Media Summary reports Videos GIS Information Centres Questionnaires Audits of Interest Public Meetings Workshops/focus groups Conferences PARTICIPATION 4. JOINT WORKING 5. SHARED DECISIONS6. EMPOWERMENT Networking Planning for real Topic groups Community mapping Multi-attribute analysis Partnerships Consensus building Round Tables Future Search Citizen juries Conflict resolution Neutral Facilitation Delegation Local Initiatives Capacity Building (HYDER 1999)
Constanta Authority co-operation Procedural Criteria Do authorities co-operatate in a negotiative way?
Constanta Conclusions There are no one-and only ICZM criteria yet. Diverse sources of ICZM criteria: EC Recommendation 2002 National / Regional ICZM Strategy Results of the EU Demonstration Projects Evaluation of ICZM in Europe UNESCO? ?
Constanta Thank you for your attention ? ? ? ! !