1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify elements of culture. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A. Give an example of a secondary economic activity. B. Give an example of a tertiary economic activity.
Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # **HUMAN GEOGRAPHY** 9/16Political Systems12 9/17Economic Systems13 9/20Levels of Economic Activity14 9/21Culture15 1. Make a new page called “Culture”. 2. Label it page 15.
What is culture? Culture knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and passed on by a group Ty Wigginton disparó dos jonrones contra Aaron Harang, Brandon Backe lanzó buena pelota hasta la séptima entrada, y los Astros de Houston superaron el jueves por 3-2 a los Rojos de Cincinnati. COPY BOX
Elements of Culture Foods Language Religion Music Add any other example of your culture. Directions - Write the title underneath your culture definition Task Record an example of your culture for each of the elements of culture to the left.
Spatial Diffusion - The spread of ideas, inventions, or patterns of behavior. A) Cultural Diffusion (acculturation) = spread of culture
Cultural Diffusion – Orso Example Foods Italian Mexican Architecture Spanish style house Spanish style house Language English Baltimore and New York Accents Religion Christianity Music East Coast Rap Southern Rock Task Create an explanation for cultural diffusion and write it in your notebook. READ ONLY
Cultural Diffusion How is cultural diffusion evident in your culture? Return to your list of cultural elements that you created previously. Write the country or region of origin for each element. READ ONLY
Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Tribal Religions = place where major religion originated Which religion has diffused to every livable continent? READ ONLY
Spatial Diffusion - The spread of ideas, inventions, or patterns of behavior. A) Cultural Diffusion (acculturation) = spread of culture B) Economic Diffusion = spread of economic activities C) Globalization = when something spreads worldwide.
Make a diffusion t-chart Physical Features that AID (help) diffusion Physical Features that are barriers to (block) diffusion Directions add the 3 Aids and 3 barriers on the following slides to your chart.
AID OR BLOCK? Rivers – serve as transportation routes
The Ship Channel
Large ships importing and exporting goods in the Houston Ship Channel.
AID OR BLOCK? Deserts – harsh travel
AID OR BLOCK? Plains – flat land allows for easy travel
Harbors (2 types) – allow transportation and trade between foreign countries AID OR BLOCK?
AID OR BLOCK? Mountains – act as a barrier, make travel difficult
AID OR BLOCK? Ocean – too big to travel across easily Tasks: Give two examples of technology that allow people to overcome the 3 barriers to diffusion.
Diffusion Assignment Left Side: Cartoon A Sketch a cartoon of daily life in a country that has no barriers to diffusion. Include a picture of 3 physical features that AID diffusion You must include at least 3 examples of culture that has diffused to your region from other parts of the world. Right Side: Cartoon B Sketch a cartoon of daily life in a country that has each barrier to diffusion. Include a picture of 3 physical features that are BARRIERS to diffusion. Create 3 examples of culture that were never able to diffuse. –Example: people wearing pants on their heads –Think about elements of culture like gestures, greetings, food, communication, traditions, etc.