Inbox s from Gmail help you to: Customize your window Get Gmail on your phone Learn about cool Gmail features
Attach a File Attach a file here Browse for the file.
Search Feature The Gmail search feature allows you to find an quickly and easily. Type in the name of the sender or subject and options will show up.
Advanced Search Feature Select the drop-down arrow to receive advanced search options.
Labels LABELS are folders for organizing saved s. To create labels first check off the s you want to file. (Choose all the Gmail team s.) Then click on the MOVE TO icon. Go to CREATE NEW.
Defining Labels Name the Label “Technology” All selected s are now filed in a folder called “Technology”
Proper Etiquette “We all interact with the printed word as though it has a personality, and that personality makes positive or negative impressions.” “Your communication can easily be misinterpreted by your reader, so it is crucial that you follow the basic rules of etiquette to construct an appropriate tone.”
STM Policy Policy #1: between students and faculty/staff should occur through the STM system only. You should never use your personal account. Policy #2: Check daily and respond in a timely manner. You will receive s often from your teachers, librarians and the Technology Department. Not checking is NO EXCUSE for missed work.
STM Policy Policy #3: Pay attention to your audience; use the same respect and formality in an that you would use in person. Policy #4: Always include a brief subject line that includes the topic to be discussed. Policy #5: Keep messages brief and to the point.
STM Policy Policy #6: Use proper salutation or greeting and complimentary closing. Examples of salutations: Good morning, Greetings, Dear... Examples of closing: Sincerely, Cordially, Regards Policy #7: Using ALL CAPS should be avoided because it suggests you are shouting. Policy #8: Pay attention to grammar and spelling.
STM Policy Policy #9: Do not overuse REPLY TO ALL. Policy #10: Never forward chain letters or junk mail. It bogs down the school system. They often carry viruses. Policy #11: Never open attachments from people you do not know. They often carry viruses.
Google Calendar
Accessing Calendar Access the the Apps panel from the top-right of the Gmail window.
Google Calendar Google calendar is user friendly and a great way to keep yourself organized. Google Calendar automatically creates a personal calendar for you.
Adding Events Select Month & Day (Choose August 15) What: Big Tent Revival Select EDIT EVENT to add time & location Location: STM Mall; Time: 6-9 p.m.