Sociology: Your Compass for a New World Robert J. Brym and John Lie Wadsworth Group/Thomson Learning © 2003
Chapter 6 Deviance and Crime Supplementary Slides
The Crime Clock, U.S.A., VIOLENT CRIME EVERY 22 SECONDS: *1 murder every 34 minutes *1 forcible rape every 6 minutes *1 robbery every minute *1 aggravated assault every 34 seconds 1 PROPERTY CRIME EVERY 3 SECONDS: *1 burglary every 15 seconds *1 larceny-theft every 5 seconds *1 motor vehicle theft every 27 seconds Source: U.S. Department of Justice Crime in the United States, 1999 (Clarksburg WV, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2000) p. 4. On the World Wide Web at (21 May 2001).
Monthly Incidents of Physical Fighting and Weapon Carrying Among Americans, Years, (Per 100 Students) Rate per 100 students Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1999: 22). Year
Full-time Law Enforcement Officers Per 1,000 Inhabitants, USA, 1999, by Region Officers per 1,000 inhabitants Source: U.S. Department of Justice Crime in the United States, 1999 (Clarksburg WV, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2000) p On the World Wide Web at (21 May 2001).
Lifetime Chance of Being Murdered by Sex and Race, USA, 1997 (in Percent) Lifetime chance of being murdered (percent) Race Source: U.S. Department of Justice Crime in the United States, 1999: Uniform Crime Reports (Clarksburg WV, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2000) Section 5, p. 5. On the World Wide Web at (21 May 2001).
Number of People in Prison Per 100,000 Population, Selected Countries, Number in prison per 100,000 population Source: “U.S. Surpasses Russia as World Leader in Rate of Incarceration,” on the World Wide Web at (18 August 2001).
Crime Rates and Patterns in the 30 Largest American Cities, 1997 Source: John Fox “Statistical Graphics,” in E.F. Borgatta and R. J. V. Montgomery, Eds. The Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Ed. (New York: Macmillan, 2000) P Note: In each “star,” points represent different types of crime (see the key) and distance from the center of each “star” represents the crime rate. Chicago is omitted because of missing data.
Source: National Opinion Research Center General Social Survey, (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1999). Machine readable file. Percent Americans Favoring Law Requiring Police Permit for Buying Gun, (in %)