WELCOME! Mentor High School Class of = Memorial Ridge Shore MHS
Welcome & Introductions High School Principal Mr. Wade 9 th Grade Unit Principal Mrs. Wolf School Counselors Mrs. Howell A-Brow Ms. Krizan Broz-Dud Mrs. Kover Duf-Harden Ms. Ganz Hardin-Kop Mr. Nemunaitis Kor-McCoy Mr. LitzingerMcCu-Pac Ms. GomoriPad-Sar Mr. MontgomerySas-Te Mrs. GossTh-Z
Agenda I.Graduation Requirements II.9th Grade Scheduling III.Course Selection
Graduation Requirements: Class of Credits of ENGLISH 4 Credits of MATHEMATICS (minimum Algebra II or equivalent) 3 Credits of SCIENCE 1 credit Physical 1 credit Biological/ Life 1 elective science credit 3 Credits of SOCIAL STUDIES: 1 elective credit (World History)1 credit of United States History ½ credit of Economics ½ credit of American Government ½ Credit of PHYSICAL EDUCATION ½ Credit of HEALTH 1 Credit ofBusiness, Technology, Family & Consumer Science Art, Music or World Language 5 Credits of ELECTIVES (any courses not included in above requirements) TOTAL MINIMUM CREDITS
College Core *Do not confuse with MHS graduation requirements 4 Credits of ENGLISH 4 Credits of MATHEMATICS 3 Credits of SCIENCE (minimum of 2 laboratory science credits) 3 Credits of SOCIAL STUDIES 2 Credits ofWORLD LANGUAGE (same language) **Some colleges may prefer three years 1 Credit ofVISUAL/PERFORMING ARTS (Music or Art)
9 th Grade Required Courses **6 Courses Required Each Semester** English- Level based on teacher recommendations Math- Level based on teacher recommendations Science- Level based on teacher recommendations World History Physical Education 9 (semester) 1.5 Elective Credits- Art, Music, World Language, Business, Technology or Family & Consumer Science
Criteria for Honors Diploma High School Academic Diploma with Honors for Graduating Classes of 2011 and Beyond Students need to fulfill 7 of the following 8 criteria SubjectCriteria English 4 units Mathematics 4 units, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course Science 4 units, including physics and chemistry Social Studies 4 units Foreign Language 3 units (must include no less than 2 units for which credit is sought) i.e., 3 units of one language or 2 units each of two languages Fine Arts 1 unit Grade Point Average 3.5 on a 4.0 scale ACT/SAT Score [excluding scores from the writing sections]* 27 ACT / 1210 SAT
Criteria for Honors Diploma Career-Technical Diploma with Honors for Graduating Classes of 2011 and Beyond Students need to fulfill 7 of the following 8 criteria SubjectCriteria English 4 units Mathematics 4 units, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course Science 4 units, including physics and chemistry Social Studies 4 units Foreign Language Not required for honors diploma, but may be required for college entry Fine Arts Not required for honors diploma, but may be required for college entry Career-Technical Now counted in Electives Electives 4 units of Career-Technical minimum. Program must lead to an industry recognized credential, apprenticeship or be part of an articulated career pathway which can lead to post secondary credit. Grade Point Average 3.5 on a 4.0 scale ACT/SAT Score [excluding scores from the writing sections]* 27 ACT / 1210 SAT Additional Assessment Achieve the proficiency benchmark established for the appropriate Ohio Career-Technical Competency Assessment or the equivalent
Characteristics of Successful Honors/ Advanced Placement Students: Demonstrates Strengths In: –Study Skills –Motivation –Reading Skills –Organization and Time Managements Skills –Initiative Willingness to exhibit a sincere interest in learning Willingness to accept responsibility for learning Willingness to spend time beyond what is expected in college preparatory classes Willingness to accept challenges, acknowledge that work will be difficult, and exhibit perseverance Ability to accept and learn from constructive criticism and mistakes
English Department Core English 9 Regular English 9 College English 9 Honors Electives Drama as Literature Speech
Mathematics Department Core Algebra I Algebra I Honors Geometry Geometry Honors
Science Department Core Physical Science 9 Honors Biology * *(teacher recommendation only) *(taken concurrently with Honors Math and Honors English)
Social Studies Department Core World History Electives World Affairs World Geography
Physical Education Department Core Physical Education 9 Freshman Conditioning
Art Department 9 th Grade Elective Options: Art Exploration (full year) Fine Art I *(full year) *(teacher recommendation only)
Business & Computer Science Department Business Electives Media and Marketing Accounting Law 101 Business Management International Business & Global Environment Personal Finance Computer Science Computer Applications Web Page Design Programming I: Intro to Visual Studio Programming 2: Applications in Computer Science
Family & Consumer Science Department Electives Sports Nutrition Gourmet Foods International Foods Parenting & Child Development Teen Issues Family Living L.I.F.E. (Living Independently through Financial Education)
Music Department Choir Elective Freshman Chorus Instrumental Music Elective Band Orchestra *Marching Band (not for credit)
Technology Education Electives Electronics Technology Engineering Technology Home Maintenance & Design Architectural & Civil Engineering CAD Engineering
World Language Department Spanish I Spanish II French I French II German I German II Electives
College Tech Prep Programs
Post Secondary Enrollment Option P.S.E.O. Dual credit program (high school and college credit) Mandatory March meeting Minimum 3.0 overall GPA and minimum 3.0 GPA in each subject area
Additional Resources