Poster Presentation Your name and question Abstract at left Visual flow, left-to- right Conclusions at right Handout with all panels printed out Your name and question Abstract at beginning Beginning to end Conclusions at end Handout with all panels printed out
Nitty Gritty Post on Blackboard (may need to be pdf) Bring enough copies for everyone Name outline. Mylastname.Mytopic(2- 3words.ppt Do this for poster and then again for presentation Use the opportunity to improve it
Poster content Abstract Introduction – background –why is this study important Review of individual studies’ results –Or Review of themes Emphasize empirical project –Methods, Results Discussion—relate empirical project findings to literature
Individual studies Title of slide should give us main message: “A is related to B”. –Use part of title of article if nothing else. –Put reference (Weissman et al., 2003) some place in slide. –Do NOT make title: Study 1 or Weissman et al.
Poster content Summarize study by study –Generally not more than one panel per study –Highlights of research but know the details for questions –Use your text to communicate results that answer your question
Overall Everything must be bulleted. Every line counts. Tell us what we need to know. No tangents, no digressions All font at least 24 point
Abstract and Conclusion Abstract –Bulleted –Answers your final topic question –Addresses all the studies (and empirical study) Discussion –Bulleted –Sums up the answer to your final topic question –Addresses all the studies (and empirical study) They are not identical but you do want to reinforce the essential info.
Make 3 points That answer your final topic question. Put these points in the abstract There should be a slide or two that communicates results that ‘make each point’ Then sum up in the conclusion
Empirical project in final poster and presentation ~Three panels Focus on results –Methods panel –One panel of text and one of tables/figure –Or two panels of Tables and/or Figures Tell us what you learned Props to communicate what you actually did Cry? Video? Questionnaire?
You will need Posterboard –Bookstore, Pearl’s, Michael’s Big font (at least 24), small margins Pictures or figures –from articles or empirical project Copies of handout for all classmates and me
For each student’s presentation Write their name, research question, and one comment or suggestion on their presentation
Presentation I would write out your presentation and practice 2-3 times, at least once with somebody listening who can give you feedback. I am also looking for you to communicate that you are open to and eager to address questions.
More on presentation A straightforward scientific presentation of your question (title) why you did what you did (intro) what you did (methods) what you found (results) what it means re: the literature (discussion) the final answer to your final topic question (conclusion).