Children with special needs PhDr. Alena Kopányiová, PhD. Children with special needs PhDr. Alena Kopányiová, PhD. Slovakia
Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology is direct organization of Ministry of Education, operates on national level. Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology is direct organization of Ministry of Education, operates on national level. Combines research with best practice and methodical services delivered to all kinds of educational institutions in Slovakia – schools, counseling center etc. Combines research with best practice and methodical services delivered to all kinds of educational institutions in Slovakia – schools, counseling center etc. We cover all main topics considering child development, child education, and professional services for educational, psychological, career counseling. We cover all main topics considering child development, child education, and professional services for educational, psychological, career counseling. One department is Methodical - Research Cabinet of Educational and Psychological Counseling and Prevention that specializes on training of professionals – teachers, counselors and others professionals One department is Methodical - Research Cabinet of Educational and Psychological Counseling and Prevention that specializes on training of professionals – teachers, counselors and others professionals
Diversity What does it mean: To be different? Or to be special? Or exceptional? To be different? Or to be special? Or exceptional? Find creative solution? Find creative solution? Work in different way? Work in different way? To be slow but accurate? To be slow but accurate? Or quick and lot of to do and to catch? Or quick and lot of to do and to catch?
From segregation to inclusion From segregation to inclusion Over the past few decades much has changed in attitudes about responsibilities society has towards people with special needs. Over the past few decades much has changed in attitudes about responsibilities society has towards people with special needs. They are not regarded as being excluded from the society in terms of being expected to actively respond to education and to contribute to society. They are not regarded as being excluded from the society in terms of being expected to actively respond to education and to contribute to society.
Inclusive approach In the traditional approach the centre of attention was a disabled student. The assessment of a disability, diagnosis, followed by creating special programme and placement, resulted in special class, In the traditional approach the centre of attention was a disabled student. The assessment of a disability, diagnosis, followed by creating special programme and placement, resulted in special class, special school, segregated environment. special school, segregated environment. The inclusive approach sees the classroom as a supportive environment with the student The inclusive approach sees the classroom as a supportive environment with the student included. included.
According to Education Act No. 245/2008: children and students with specific training and educational needs, e.g., with mental, physical, visual, or acoustic disabilities, with communication disorders, autism, developmental learning defects, behavioral defects, physical and health problems, as well as intellectually gifted children. children and students with specific training and educational needs, e.g., with mental, physical, visual, or acoustic disabilities, with communication disorders, autism, developmental learning defects, behavioral defects, physical and health problems, as well as intellectually gifted children. Integration of the child with special educational needs into the system of special education requires recommendation from appropriate authority and parental consent. Integration of the child with special educational needs into the system of special education requires recommendation from appropriate authority and parental consent. Children with special educational needs
In the school year 2011/12 the ratio of pupils with special educational needs to the total number of pupils in compulsory schooling ( ) was 9.7 %; In the school year 2011/12 the ratio of pupils with special educational needs to the total number of pupils in compulsory schooling ( ) was 9.7 %; pupils educated separately (in a special pupils educated separately (in a special schools and in a special classes of mainstream schools) was 5.7 % and individually integrated were 4.0 %. schools and in a special classes of mainstream schools) was 5.7 % and individually integrated were 4.0 %.
Research by VUDPAP 2011
EDUCATION Education of children with special educational needs is carried out from pre-primary level up to the upper secondary level in special or mainstream schools. Education of children with special educational needs is carried out from pre-primary level up to the upper secondary level in special or mainstream schools. In mainstream schools the child with special educational needs may be integrated with its peer into a mainstream class (individual integration) or into a special class at mainstream school among children with the same kind of handicap (social integration). In mainstream schools the child with special educational needs may be integrated with its peer into a mainstream class (individual integration) or into a special class at mainstream school among children with the same kind of handicap (social integration).
The school establishments for educational counseling and prevention carry out especially psychological, pedagogical, special- pedagogical, including logopaedic and therapeutic pedagogical activities and social activity aimed at optimising the educational, psychic, social and career development of children since their birth up to completing their career development. The school establishments for educational counseling and prevention carry out especially psychological, pedagogical, special- pedagogical, including logopaedic and therapeutic pedagogical activities and social activity aimed at optimising the educational, psychic, social and career development of children since their birth up to completing their career development. Special care is devoted to children with special education needs. The counseling services are also provided by the guardian and educational employee. Special care is devoted to children with special education needs. The counseling services are also provided by the guardian and educational employee. Educational counselling and prevention
Service for schools The basic units of the system of educational counseling and prevention are the establishments of educational, psychological and special-educational counseling and prevention: The basic units of the system of educational counseling and prevention are the establishments of educational, psychological and special-educational counseling and prevention: Centre of pedagogical-psychological counseling and prevention Centre of pedagogical-psychological counseling and prevention Centre of special-pedagogical counseling. Centre of special-pedagogical counseling.
Service for schools The other elements of the system of educational counseling and prevention involve: The other elements of the system of educational counseling and prevention involve: educational counselor, school psychologist, school special pedagogue, therapeutic pedagogue, social pedagogue, coordinator of prevention. educational counselor, school psychologist, school special pedagogue, therapeutic pedagogue, social pedagogue, coordinator of prevention.
Service for schools Ministry of education school advicer/coordinator of prevention/school psychologist/school special pedagogist/social pedagogist/ Center of pedagogical and psychological counseling and prevention Center of special- pedagogical counseling VÚDPAP/educational facilities
1. Assesment Quality of assessments tools Quality of assessments tools Needs of early assessment? Needs of early assessment? Outcomes of assessment: Outcomes of assessment: - psychological - psychological - special-pedagogical - special-pedagogical - social - social Who reads outcomes of assessment? Who reads outcomes of assessment? Individual recommendation/Individual study plan Individual recommendation/Individual study plan
2. Intervention 5-steps approaches: 1. class teacher intervention at classroom according to type of disorder, well trained teacher intervention at classroom according to type of disorder, well trained teacher Individual program of teaching are recommended, i.e. to compare students results with his own former results and not with the results of the other children in the class. Individual program of teaching are recommended, i.e. to compare students results with his own former results and not with the results of the other children in the class.
Intervention 2. parents Intervention and reeducation at home Intervention and reeducation at home Parents are trained under tuition of professionals and doing easy exercise/approaches at home. Parents are trained under tuition of professionals and doing easy exercise/approaches at home. Process is checked out and followed by professionals Process is checked out and followed by professionals
Intervention 3. out-patient services Provided by Centers Provided by Centers individual or group intervention individual or group intervention Integrative education (special classes, individual education) Integrative education (special classes, individual education)
Intervention 4. daily in-patient service Short-term care for intensive intervention Short-term care for intensive intervention 5. residential care Long-term care for intensive interventions Long-term care for intensive interventions
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your questions. Thank you for your questions. Alena Kopányiová, PhD. Alena Kopányiová, PhD.