XP-746: ELM characterization in NSTX R. J. Maqueda Nova Photonics Inc. and the NSTX Research Team ’07 Results Review July 23-24, 2007 PPPL
2 XP-746: ELM characterization in NSTX ½ run day on June 5 th (17 shots: ) All 3 ELM Types produced and measured Type I: , Type III: Type V: Good diagnostic availability: fast-framing cameras USXR arrays (JHU) static (ORNL/PPPL) and reciprocating (UCSD) probes reflectometers (UCLA) MIRNOV arrays (PPPL) XP Summary XP Goals Measure and characterize evolution of ELMs observed in NSTX: structure of ELM perturbed edge, birth of filamentary ELM structures, radial and poloidal/toroidal propagation in SOL, increase of edge turbulence and blobs, and recovery of inter- ELM profiles. Obtain profiles for ELM stability evaluation.
3 Shot TYPE I ELMs Shot TYPE III ELMs Shot TYPE V ELMs Time (s) Lower divertor D (a.u.) GPI view D 2 puff - D filter Fish-eye view no filter Fast-framing cameras show global and local evolution
4 ELM filamentation after ELM onset ELM sequence Mode growth. Birth of ELM filaments. Filament detachment (except in Type V ELMs). Filament radial and poloidal/toroidal propagation in SOL – eventual interaction with plasma facing components. Turbulent filamentation and blobs, L-mode like. Recovery of H-mode edge. GPI view no puff - D filter TYPE I ELM
5 TYPE III ELM Shot t ELM ~ ms r sep (cm) D emission (a.u.) r sep (cm) L pol (cm) I/I Kurtossis t ELM + [200,300] s t ELM + [300,400] s t ELM + [400,500] s t ELM + [500,600] s t ELM + [600,700] s ELM filamentation followed by L-mode like turbulence and blobs Fluctuation levels, auto-correlation lengths and kurtossis similar to L-mode
6 Summary XP-746 run time shots and diagnostic availabilty provide excellent opportunity to meet XP goals...work in progress... Characterization of ELM mode structure, evolution into filaments, and propagation of filaments in SOL. Characterization of ELM filaments and associated transport. Characterization of post-ELM turbulence (blobs) and related transport. Availability of profile data for stability analysis.