Nova Scotia Library Association Annual Conference Amherst, NS September 30 – October 2, 2005 Elaine MacLean St. Francis Xavier University
My part……. How it started What it is Where we are
What/When/Where/Who/Why/How 2001 at ALA (American Library Association) 5-yr Marketing Plan Developed for all library types – public, school, academic and research
While libraries are popular, they are often taken for granted. While libraries are ubiquitous, they are often not visible. And, while libraries are unique, they are facing new challenges.
Consistent set of messages over a multi-year period….. Libraries bring you the world. Libraries are changing and dynamic places. Libraries are places of opportunity.
Action Plans Were Created For Each Library Type … World Libraries Campaign School Library Campaign Academic & Research Library Campaign Public Library Campaign
Canadian Library Associations including NSLA (7) Worldwide Library Associations (27) Campaign for the World’s Libraries (2001)
Campaign for World Libraries Key Messages…… Libraries are changing and dynamic places. Libraries are places of opportunity. Libraries bridge the world.
School Library Campaign launched (2003)….
Campaign for School Libraries Key Messages… School library media programs are critical to the learning experience. School library media specialists are crucial to the teaching and learning process. School library media centers are places of opportunity
Campaign for Academic & Research Libraries (2003) College and research libraries are an essential part of the learning community College and research libraries connect you to a world of knowledge College and research libraries are investing in the future, while preserving the past
Public Libraries Campaign (2004) Public libraries are partners for vibrant and educated communities. Public libraries are essential for a free people. Public libraries are places of opportunity.
Using the brand correctly…. Using the correct font (American Typewriter Medium Weight) The preferred color your library® is red and blue, with the in red (PMS 032) and "your library" in blue (PMS 072). A secondary color option for the entire phrase is black and/or white. If neither of those color options work, tasteful alternatives are acceptable. Using the words exactly as they are your library®" Always including the "®" symbol following your library®" when using the correct font.
Examples of not using the brand correctly are…. Inserting words into your SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER No registered trademark your library using symbol with incorrect font:
St. Francis Xavier University Angus L. Macdonald Library
Another StFX your library ®
Sign for the Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre….
New Brunswick Public Library Service Poster…..
Marketing & Public Relations materials available….. Toolkits with key messages, outreach strategies, media relations materials and tips for marketing and promotion; Materials to help you develop a strategic marketing plan for your library; Downloadable graphics; Customizable publicity materials; Case studies of successful marketing your library® slogans and guidelines for using the your library® translations
For complete information about the Campaign…..
Thanks for listening….