Joint SCBD and SPREP Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Pacific Proposals for April 2008
Regional Workshops – Mandate Decision VIII/8 gives the mandate for regional / sub-regional meetings to discuss: national experiences in developing, updating, and implementing NBSAPs, and the integration of biodiversity concerns into relevant sectors –consideration of obstacles –ways and means of overcoming obstacles
Regional Workshops – Objectives 1.Enhanced capacity within Parties to implement and evaluate NBSAPs 2.Input to COP and to in-depth review of NBSAPs and the implementation of the Convention Contribution from workshops… Enhancing awareness of role of NBSAPs and need to mainstream biodiversity Disseminating best practices for planning, updating, implementing, and mainstreaming Providing opportunity for capacity-building of focal points and NBSAP coordinators Facilitating exchange of experiences and lessons learned among countries Identifying steps forward and Party-specific objectives
Regional Workshops – Concept 3 – 5 day capacity-building workshops Retreat venues Mix of presentations with Q & A, small working groups, structured skill-building modules Workshop theme to focus sessions on priority issue of the region where mainstreaming biodiversity and NBSAP is relevant Two Principle Topic Areas 1.Developing, implementing, and updating NBSAPs 2.Mainstreaming - into sectors and sectoral plans - into cross-sectoral plans - other relevant national plans and strategies
Regional Workshops – Series Region / Sub-RegionTentative Dates South, Southeast, and East AsiaJanuary 2008 Southern and Eastern AfricaJanuary / February 2008 Latin AmericaFebruary / March 2008 PacificEarly April Proposal: April 13/14 – 16 followed by COP-9 Preparatory Meeting EuropeLate April 2008 Central AfricaJune / July 2008 Western / Northern AfricaSeptember / October 2008 West and Central AsiaOctober / November 2008 Caribbean & North AmericaOctober / November 2008
Regional Workshops – Concept Examples of topics that could be included Setting priorities to target root causes of biodiversity loss Integrating measurable targets Updating NBSAPs to include the 2010 Target Developing a Strategic Communication Strategy for NBSAPs Mainstreaming and finding budgetary support Identifying institutional roles and responsibilities for –NBSAP implementation –Monitoring, evaluation, and updating Stakeholder and civil society engagement and engaging sub-national levels Strategic environmental assessment as an upstream planning tool Tools to support the effective integration of biodiversity planning across sectors Topics specifically related mainstreaming within the context of the workshop theme Key next steps for NBSAP implementation
Theme Examples Mainstreaming into National Sustainable Development Strategies - approaches, ways, and means of effectively integrating NBSAPs NBSAPs and Adaptation to Climate Change - approaches, ways, and means of integrating NBSAPs with adaptation planning and NAPAs Considering… - managing threats to biodiversity from climate change - ways in which biodiversity can contribute to adaptation planning
Outcomes for Pacific Workshop Enhanced capacity to: develop, update, implement, monitor and mainstream NBSAPs Opportunities for regional cooperation and knowledge exchange identified Opportunities for regionally-based support identified Exchange of best practices Raised awareness of NBSAPs and importance of biodiversity across sectors and government
NBSAP Workshop as a Process: 19 Oct, April 2008, and beyond Identification of Party-Specific Objectives and outcomes –Needs related to completing and/or updating NBSAPs –Needs for over-coming obstacles to implementation and mainstreaming Discussions at the 19 October meeting would contribute to the preparation of the 2008 workshop through… In order for the April 2008 workshop to be tailored to the specific needs of Parties, these should be clearly identified in advance of the workshop.
NBSAP Workshop as a Process: 19 Oct, April 2008, and beyond Preparation of posters NBSAPs, equivalents, and/or NBSAP process and the linkage to the 2010 Biodiversity Target Poster session planned for COP-9 following similar session at WGRI-2 web-based poster generation tool developed by GTZ contains step-by-step user guide produces a pdf guidelines and link to tool available at:
NBSAP Workshop as a Process: 19 Oct, April 2008, and beyond Ideas on structure the workshop Recommendation on theme based on your needs and priorities Recommendations for particular topics Other? Your input on decisions and recommendations for April Workshop…