WHY TAKE PART IN INSPIRE ASPIRE? AIM To give you the opportunity to think about some of the things that make you who you are - your values, character strengths and who or what inspires you. Why? Thinking about yourself in this way helps you to think about the type of person you want to become so that you can set goals for your future. It also helps you to understand how you can use your strengths to take action on the things that matter to you. This is what it means to be a Global Citizen in the Making. How? The poster template offers a framework; you explore your own values and strengths, reflect upon who and what inspires you and then answer questions about who you want to become and how you can make a difference.
What next? Your teacher will choose the 5 most inspiring pieces of work or those created by the most inspiring pupils, and these will go forward to a final - there are awards for the young people who inspire our judges the most. Sample pupil feedback “By taking part in the Inspire Aspire programme, I have learned a lot more about myself; I now have a clearer understanding of my own opinions and feelings which is something that I never considered before. Most importantly it has helped me focus on my goals for the future, to be the best possible person I can be. So one day I can be an inspiration to young people.”
Successful Learners The foundation for a successful life is the ability to keep learning new things. This means being creative and open-minded as well as working hard in a self-disciplined way that will help you flourish as a person and achieve your ambitions. Ambitious - I formulate important goals for the future Hard-working - I always try my best Creative - I have lots of new ideas Open-minded - I listen carefully to new ideas even if I disagree with them Purposeful - I work towards my goals Curious - I like to find out about new things Self-disciplined - I do important things even if I don’t feel like it
WHAT ARE VALUES? Values are your internal reference for what is good, beneficial, important, useful, desirable, constructive etc. Your values generate your behaviour and influence how you think, and how you see the world. Values are who you are.
WHAT IS INSPIRATION? Inspiration is something that encourages and stimulates you; inspiration is what drives you and makes you want to aim high in your life. It can spur you on to make changes and decisions.
WHAT ARE ASPIRATIONS? Aspirations are the things you aim for; your goals, hopes and dreams and who you want to become and achieve.
Mahatma Ghandi You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mother Teresa Peace begins with a smile.
Andy Murray You can’t focus on other people’s careers. Everybody is different.
Emma Watson There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. It’s not the absence of fear, it’s overcoming it. Sometimes you’ve got to blast through and have faith.
Angelina Jolie Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become.
Stephen Hawking Next time someone complains that you have made a mistake, tell him that may be a good thing. Because without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.
Dalai Lama Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
Jessica Ennis I’m proud of the way I’ve dealt with setbacks. It’s hard when you feel down and you think, “Why is the world doing this to me?” But you have to pick yourself up again. That’s what makes you a better athlete.
Barack Obama If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.
Martin Luther King Jr. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Malala Yousafzai Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.
Nick Vujicic Bullies want to abuse you. Instead of allowing that, you can use them as your personal motivators. Power up and let the bully eat your dust!
ME, MY FUTURE, MY VISION AND MY COMMITMENT TOWARDS A BETTER WORLD After reflecting on what INSPIRES you and your character VALUES, you can think about your ASPIRATIONS and your vision for a better world.
Have you achieved something in school, sport or another hobby? Why was it an achievement, how did you feel? How would you want your friends to describe you as a person? What legacy do you want to leave behind? Do you have any particular aims, perhaps a particular job, that you wish to achieve? What changes do you wish to see in the world? Has your insprational figure inspired you to change your goals for yourself or the world’s future? What difference do you want to make? What small or big changes could you make in your life so that your vision becomes a reality?