Schedule Welsh Museums Festival Break 11am Maximising a Local Impact Workshop Uploading Events Lunch 12.30pm – 1pm Advocacy Session Break 2pm Museums at Night / Connect! Making an Impact / Summary
Background 24 th October – 1 st November 2015 Second year Marketing opportunity for all Accredited (working towards) museums Bilingual campaign Working group Grants awarded thanks to the Federation Festival of Museums, Scotland (
What Are We Striving For? To raise the profile of museums to visitors, stakeholders and the media To offer a variety of day and night events with a specific focus on children/families To demonstrate that museums are fun places to visit all year round whatever the weather To highlight the positive impacts that museums can have on their visitors To increase media and digital engagement To build marketing skills and confidence in the sector To evaluate the Festival effectively for future planning
Key Messages Interesting and exciting day and night events for all the family Museums are inspiring places to visit all year round whatever the weather Collections help you understand where you live and how your community has developed
How Can You Take Part? Organise new events/activities Develop/extend existing events Utilise the Festival branding and promotional materials Offer special discounts e.g. café, shop, entrance fee Capitalise on social media activity Use it as local press opportunity Identify advocacy opportunities Be creative and have fun!
Branding / Promotional Materials Campaign identity and strapline A4 / A3 posters and postcards Pencils Button badges Bunting Online advert for websites / social media Pop-up banners & artwork Template poster to insert local information
Website / Need you to check your museum information and input your events Send us your stories for blog Get in touch if having issues with translation
Social Media Social Media Staff Pack Suggested themes to help plan content #WelshMuseumsFest / #GwylAmgueddfeydd #BeAmazed / #Rhyfeddwch Facebook/amgueddfeyddcymruwelshmuseums Photography competition Support each other
Media Plans Communications Plan produced Develop PR stories to appeal to local, regional and national press before, during and after the festival PR template for local use Call out for photo opportunities Launch event Staff / stakeholder communications Will require English/Welsh spokespeople Third party endorsements
Evaluation Evaluate using various criteria Provide venue survey Staff survey Capturing feedback from visitors / stakeholders Exit surveys at some events Have we achieved our aims & SMART objectives? Evaluation report to provide evidence for future funding Your ideas are welcome!
Any Questions? archive/resources-landing/marketing/welsh-museums-festival.html Nicola Williams / Bethan Rogers