CSURF C enter for the S upport of U ndergraduate R esearch and Fellowships Located on the 2 nd Floor of Randall Library URI Undergraduate Research Involvement Students in any major at UNCW have the opportunity to work with faculty who can mentor them through the process of advancing the scholarly activity of their academic disciplines. The URI Project has been launched as a way to gather information about the extent and breadth of extra-curricular research and creative scholar activity. One goal of the URI project is to document the different types of undergraduate research activities and provide a tool to measure changes in the number and types of activities over time. Additionally, we want to develop ways to recognize and encourage students and faculty who are involved in these activities on an extended basis. The purpose of tracking Undergraduate Research Involvement (URI) is to recognize and encourage student involvement in scholarly activity. Students can enter information about their URI online into the URI database. Students who are involved in many URI activities can also apply to be recognized as UNCW Undergraduate Research Scholars. HON 292: Introduction to Research & Discovery Workshops Starting Spring 2012, HON 292 is being offered as a 1-hour credit class to help students get informed about opportunities in undergraduate research as well as develop tools necessary to begin their own research experience HON 292 is being offered in four different areas: Sciences Social Sciences Humanities Business Course Description: Overview of research procedures in discipline areas, including literature searches and data collection. The scientific process and nature of discovery. Guidance in developing a personal plan for immersion in research and scholarship as an undergraduate. Emphasis is on applied learning and developing basic skills appropriate to the discipline. In order to help prepare students for their undergraduate research career and beyond CSURF offers a variety of workshops throughout the year such as: Introduction to Undergraduate Research How to Design an Effective Poster Responsible Conduct of Research We also co-sponsor three workshops with the Career Center: How to Write a Powerful Personal Statement Preparing a Curriculum Vitae Prepping for Grad School These workshops are given at scheduled times throughout the year or can be scheduled one on one as students request. Additionally, CSURF offers these workshops to classrooms. Professors can request a workshop along with desired dates, and a CSURF representative will come to their classroom to present the workshop. In Fall 2011, CSURF has conducted 14 workshops. Funding Travel Awards: Students who are traveling to professional conferences present their research may apply for a CSURF Travel Award. (Max Award: $1000) Research Supplies Awards: Students enrolled in honors projects (499) or DIS (491) can apply for a Research Supplies Award to help cover research related expenses. (Max Award $500) In Fall 2011, CSURF has awarded 23 Travel and 7 Research Supplies Awards.