Today : Understanding how to work together as a group
Take your paper Take your paper Crumple it and when I say, toss it into the circle. Crumple it and when I say, toss it into the circle. Pick up a different paper Pick up a different paper Report what you read as I record it on the board Report what you read as I record it on the board
Monday:, Sub check in, Finish Group Assessment Monday:, Sub check in, Finish Group Assessment Tuesday: Values Checklist Tuesday: Values Checklist Wednesday: Unit 1 Review Wednesday: Unit 1 Review Thursday: Unit 1 Assessment Thursday: Unit 1 Assessment Friday: Reflection on Unit 1 – E.C. Opportunity Friday: Reflection on Unit 1 – E.C. Opportunity Monday: Missing Assignment Workshop Monday: Missing Assignment Workshop Tuesday: Missing Assignment Hand In Tuesday: Missing Assignment Hand In Wednesday: Unit 2 Prep Wednesday: Unit 2 Prep Thursday: Unit 2 Prep Thursday: Unit 2 Prep Friday: Day off Friday: Day off
Taking the input from the blizzard ball activity, lets make a list of group work goals (like our class contract!) Taking the input from the blizzard ball activity, lets make a list of group work goals (like our class contract!) Include: Active listening, voicing ideas respectfully, staying on task, making a clear goal for each task Include: Active listening, voicing ideas respectfully, staying on task, making a clear goal for each task
Work on this with a partner or complete it for homework Work on this with a partner or complete it for homework