ROMANIA The cooperation between the GoR, EC and UNDP on the process of JIM and MDGR formulation Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family Vilnius,


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Presentation transcript:

ROMANIA The cooperation between the GoR, EC and UNDP on the process of JIM and MDGR formulation Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family Vilnius, 26 – 27 April 2004

Content National Anti-Poverty Plan – a good exercise towards MDGR and JIM formulation National Anti-Poverty Plan – a good exercise towards MDGR and JIM formulation MDGR formulation process – an outstanding cooperation with UN System MDGR formulation process – an outstanding cooperation with UN System Lessons learned Lessons learned MDGR key outcomes MDGR key outcomes JIM – aim and key objectives in Candidate Countries JIM – aim and key objectives in Candidate Countries JIM – achievements to date JIM – achievements to date JIM – Activities to be undertaken JIM – Activities to be undertaken Similarities between JIM and MDGR indicators Similarities between JIM and MDGR indicators Why to align the MDGs with EU social inclusion agenda in Romania? Why to align the MDGs with EU social inclusion agenda in Romania?

National Anti-Poverty Plan – a good basis for MDGR and JIM formulation Addresses complex range of poverty and social inclusion issues by combining short/medium-term priorities of the GoR in support of Romania’s European integration. Addresses complex range of poverty and social inclusion issues by combining short/medium-term priorities of the GoR in support of Romania’s European integration. Reflects the GoR’s commitment to meeting the objectives of the MDGs. Reflects the GoR’s commitment to meeting the objectives of the MDGs. It implied a consultative process between the stakeholders at all levels. It implied a consultative process between the stakeholders at all levels. Promotes coordination between social and economic policies. Promotes coordination between social and economic policies. It offers custom-tailored support to the most marginalized groups. It offers custom-tailored support to the most marginalized groups. It shifts the anti-poverty focus from treatment to prevention. It shifts the anti-poverty focus from treatment to prevention.

MDGR formulation process – an outstanding cooperation with UN System GoR received complete information on MDG rationale, global goals, targets and indicators, MDGR structure, report samples; GoR received complete information on MDG rationale, global goals, targets and indicators, MDGR structure, report samples; GoR has established the division of work and precise coordination mechanisms; GoR has established the division of work and precise coordination mechanisms; MDGR focal points were appointed in all contributing Ministries; MDGR focal points were appointed in all contributing Ministries; Global targets were country-tailored; Global targets were country-tailored; The National Institute of Statistics has verified statistical data and data interpretation; The National Institute of Statistics has verified statistical data and data interpretation; The MDGR endorsed by Ministers of all contributing Ministries; The MDGR endorsed by Ministers of all contributing Ministries; MDGR high-level launch with Prime Minister and Cabinet members. MDGR high-level launch with Prime Minister and Cabinet members.

Lessons learned A clear framework for development planning and actions. A clear framework for development planning and actions. Policy, legal and implementation shortcomings better defined and better channeled resources. Policy, legal and implementation shortcomings better defined and better channeled resources. Better planning, by setting country-relevant goals and targets. Better planning, by setting country-relevant goals and targets. Provided a focused analysis on mobilizing national efforts to meet the targets on time. Provided a focused analysis on mobilizing national efforts to meet the targets on time.

MDGR key outcomes Provided institutionalized monitoring and accountability mechanisms, that EU accession process requires. Provided institutionalized monitoring and accountability mechanisms, that EU accession process requires. Created a pattern of dialogue, information sharing and consultation. Created a pattern of dialogue, information sharing and consultation. Created country-tailored targets towards poverty reduction. Created country-tailored targets towards poverty reduction. MDG related targets will be included in the revised version of the National Anti- Poverty Strategy. MDG related targets will be included in the revised version of the National Anti- Poverty Strategy.

JIM process– aim and key objectives in Candidate Countries Aim: to prepare Candidate Countries for their full participation in the open method of co-ordination on social inclusion as of the date of accession. Aim: to prepare Candidate Countries for their full participation in the open method of co-ordination on social inclusion as of the date of accession. Objectives: Objectives:  Building up capacity in governmental bodies on fighting against poverty and social exclusion;  Promoting the adoption at national level of EU commonly agreed indicators on social inclusion;  Acknowledging existing policies and recent policy reforms on poverty reduction and social inclusion;  Developing a consensus on policy priorities to underpin the forthcoming preparation of the Structural Funds' Single Programming Documents.  Highlighting key issues for further policy review in the context of the NAPs/incl exercise, after accession.

JIM process to date 1 st Drafting Team Meeting: discuss process and plan work programme; 1 st Drafting Team Meeting: discuss process and plan work programme; Established working groups to start work on different chapters and sections; Established working groups to start work on different chapters and sections; Drafts of sections 1 (economic background), 2 (social situation) & 3 (key challenges) prepared; Drafts of sections 1 (economic background), 2 (social situation) & 3 (key challenges) prepared; Comments received from DG EMPL on section1-3 drafts; Comments received from DG EMPL on section1-3 drafts; 2 nd Drafting Team Meeting: comments and observations on the first 3 sections; 2 nd Drafting Team Meeting: comments and observations on the first 3 sections; A seminar on study, stakeholders consultation has been organised; A seminar on study, stakeholders consultation has been organised; 3 rd Drafting Team Meeting: finalisation of drafts sections 1-3 and discuss progress on sections 4 (policy issues), 5 (promoting gender equality) and 6 (statistical system). 3 rd Drafting Team Meeting: finalisation of drafts sections 1-3 and discuss progress on sections 4 (policy issues), 5 (promoting gender equality) and 6 (statistical system).

JIM process – further actions April – May Draft of sections 4 (policy issues), 5 (promoting gender equality), 6 (statistical system) 7 (structural funds) and 8 (conclusions) prepared; April – May Draft of sections 4 (policy issues), 5 (promoting gender equality), 6 (statistical system) 7 (structural funds) and 8 (conclusions) prepared; Late June Complete draft to be sent to DG EMPL for comments; Late June Complete draft to be sent to DG EMPL for comments; July Circulate draft for Inter Service Consultation (ISC) and revise draft in the light of comments received; July Circulate draft for Inter Service Consultation (ISC) and revise draft in the light of comments received; August Circulate draft to Romanian services for agreement; August Circulate draft to Romanian services for agreement; September Final Drafting Team Meeting; September Final Drafting Team Meeting; End of September Signature of JIM by Romanian and EC authorities. End of September Signature of JIM by Romanian and EC authorities.

Similarities between JIM and MDGR indicators JIM indicators: JIM indicators: 1.Persistent risk of poverty rate (60%median) 2.Inequality of income distribution 3.Persons living in jobless households 4.Long term unemployment share 5.Regional cohesion 6.Early school leaves not education or training 7.Persons with low educational attainment 8.Life expectancy at birth MDGR indicators: 1.Severe poverty rate 2.Consumption deficit of the severely poor population 3.Unemployment rate of 15- to-24 years old 4.Domestic and export agricultural subsidies. 6.Net / gross enrolment ratio in compulsory education 7.School drop-out ratio 8.Literacy rate of the Rroma population 11.Infant mortality rate

Why to align the MDGs with EU social inclusion agenda in Romania?  Consistency between the UN and EU social inclusion policy papers: input of a wide range of stakeholders, time-bound objectives, similar goal of reducing poverty and social exclusion.  Both will definitely assist in better policy-making, and in being able to access the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.  Both will further support the GoR to adopt the necessary rules and regulations in this connection without delay, and comprehensively transpose the social protection provisions of the acquis.

Thank you ! Any questions?