Presentation to the Member Representatives of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research April Burke, Wendy Naus and Frank Steinberg Lewis-Burke Associates LLC October 14, 2009 Climate Change Policy: Positioning Universities for New Opportunities
Status of FY 2010 Appropriations CJS (NSF, NOAA and NASA) Senate action pending Energy and Water (DOE) Final FY 2010: $4.9 billion Office of Science $2.24 billion EERE Continuing Resolution Through Oct. 31 FY09Pres.HouseSenate NSF $6.49$7.0$6.936$6.916 NOAA $4.3$4.473$4.6$4.77 NASA $17.8$18.68$18.2$18.68 DOE OS $4.77$4.94 $4.9 DOE EERE $1.93$2.32$2.25$2.23 Amounts in billions
Status of Climate Change Debate Issues on the table: Cap and trade Adaptation Climate services Research/USGCRP Energy efficiency Renewables Nuclear Timing: House – Holding pattern, passed “Waxman-Markey” in June Senate – Depends who you ask: Maj. Leader Reid – Push to 2010? Boxer – Markup in October
Status of Climate Change Debate: Senate Environment & Public Works (Boxer) Steering the timeline Cap and trade/allowance allocations Finance (Baucus) Cap and trade/allowance allocations Coal interests Commerce (Rockefeller) Adaptation National climate service USGCRP/science (Kerry bill) Coal concerns/carbon capture Foreign Relations (Kerry) Adaptation/aid for developing countries/offsets Agriculture (Lincoln, new chair) Concerned with increased costs to farmers/industry Energy & Natural Resources (Bingaman) Energy piece already reported out of Committee
House vs. Senate Bill Waxman-Markey (H.R. 2454)Kerry-Boxer (Senate Draft) Emission Targets 17% below 2005 levels by % by % below 2005 levels by % by 2050 Initial Allocations 15% auctioned, proceeds to individuals 25% auctioned, proceeds to Treasury Details to be work out by Finance Adaptation State planning Public health Natural Resources International Climate Services Placeholder language currently, covering the same topics as the House bill National Climate Service 3-year OSTP planning process to create Likely housed within NOAA Virtually no mention of interagency engagement or universities Placeholder language currently, actual language to be developed by Commerce Climate Research/ USGCRP Includes USGCRP reauthorization May include USGCRP reauthorization (not in current draft)
House vs. Senate Bill Waxman-Markey (H.R. 2454) Kerry-Boxer (Senate Draft/Bingaman Energy Bill) Renewable & Efficiency Standard Combined Efficiency and Renewable Electricity Standard 6% growing to 20% by 2039 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Standard 3% growing to 15% by 2039 Energy Research Energy Innovation Hubs funded from allowances (0.45%) ARPA-E funded from allowances (1.05%) Allowances for Hubs and ARPA-E not yet determined ENR bill includes placeholder language on Grand Challenges Research Initiative Energy Efficiency More standards, community- focused incentives ↑ Appliance, Building, Transportation, and Industrial Efficiency More incentives and demonstration programs ↑ Appliance, Building, Vehicle, Industrial, and Grid Efficiency Nuclear Power Hardly mentioned Supported as one of many clean energies Direct call to promote and expand nuclear in Kerry-Boxer and ENR bill
Emerging Adaptation Opportunities State Programs to Build Resilience – Distribution of allowances to state governments to implement projects, programs or measures to build resilience to impacts of climate change. Public Health – Federal Government assist in preparing health systems to respond to impacts of climate change; ensure sufficient information; enhance preparedness; and assist developing nations. Natural Resources – Efforts to protect, restore and conserve natural resources (including wildlife) in response to climate change; possible financial support and incentives for such programs.
Emerging Adaptation Opportunities (continued) International – Financial support for bilateral assistance to help vulnerable countries in development of adaptation plans, policy and financing; support adaptation research in/for most vulnerable developing countries. Climate Services – Will be responsible for coordinating and providing services to users, decision-makers and stakeholders. Many states/decision-makers are not prepared to use this information.
Take Away Messages Opportunities will emerge with the enactment of climate legislation. Adaptation is the future; the community needs to position itself to be helpful and inform decision-making. Get creative, partner, and make new friends with non-traditional atmospheric research agencies (DOD, NIH, USDA, State, etc.).