Status of the PCI Test Stand Hardware status: Three known working PTS’s: 2 at FNAL, 1 at UIUC. Korean group working on one, LBL has one running yet? Adapter Board: Printed circuit version is designed, back from company. Board has a built-in DAC for VCAL gain scan 10 boards total. 1 for souvenir for designer, one for Korean group, 8 for PTS’s. First board fully assembled and tested. Success! Korean group requested it. Others soon. For the future: Omnetics adapter? Probably needed. Simple Samtec/Omnetics cable possible?
Firmware Status No real change in production PMC firmware since April, although upgrades have been attempted. PTA firmware from Lorenzo Uplegger can be upgraded from version B3.4 to B3.6 without consequence. Unflushed FIFO still a problem -- we have a software workaround (read several times). PMC firmware -- untested version including external triggers in the works (not needed for testing hybrids or staves). Some variability seen in behavior of different PTA/PMC cards in different computers. All have been convinced to work. Interface is flexible. No need to change firmware when changing the control pattern or initialization string.
Firmware Features 16 Kword RAM pattern memory Selectable clock frequency Hybrid/chip direct control, interface to MPC/JPC via electrically inactive adapter boards. Knows about the two PRIOUT signals on the JPC selectable which one to read. Data are synchronized with OBDV -- arbitrary cable lengths OK without timing tuning. Can put sequences in RAM or can control output lines directly with the contents of a register.
Software Status Two paths pursued: Custom chip/hybrid/half-stave/stave testing suite by Catalin Port HTWISH HTWISH status: Ported! Tests run on Illinois PTS and FNAL PTS (Biscayne). Two hybrids already tested (and failed). Pedestals, noise make sense Known problems (dead channels, no VCAL response) make hybrids fail tests in easy-to-understand ways. To do: upgrade to new version of SVX4 init string verify that the gain scan works. current measurement from power supply? (extra hw)
Risetime test -- not too powerful -- we only have 20 ns resolution.
Documentation and Distribution Very rough draft of a manual available at Contains hardware and firmware description. Software documentation to come. Firmware for PTA and PMC is available (same web site) Software -- Catalin’s program (older version, but functional) and the port of HTWISH are available on the same web site. Adapter Board specs available linked on that web site too.