P. Desjardins Positron Inc. ESIF Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF) Emergency Services Messaging Interface Task Force (“Task Force 34”) Contribution Title: EPES-ESNet Interactions Diagram (Revised) Contribution Number: EISI-005-R1 Submission Date: 2/14/05 Source: Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF) Technical Contact(s): Name: Pierre Desjardins Organization: Positron, Inc. Phone: Abstract: Revised version -- Diagram of the interactions between an EPES and the ESNet as well as a characterization of the functional entities involved in the interactions. Revisions: A footnote definition for the POP term was added to the diagram notes slide. The question (?) mark was removed from the text in parenthesis following the reference to “ESNet POP” – it was an author’s reminder which is no longer pertinent. Recommendation: Integrate with EISI baseline in Section 2 Add the POP (Point-of-presence) term to the baseline document glossary. Integrate the diagram notes in the baseline text.
P. Desjardins Positron Inc. ESIF EISI-005 Fig 2-1 (v1) EPES-ESNet interaction features UDDI Identity Mgmt Service Registration Service Discovery EPES client(s) EPES Service Provisioning ESNet EISI WSDL Service Identity SOAP WSDL
P. Desjardins Positron Inc. ESIF EISI-005 Fig 2-1 (draft notes v2) EPES-ESNet interaction features About the Service Identity box This is the part of EPES logic that is responsible for establishing (authentication) and maintaining itself as an ESNet POP * (heartbeat, authorization…). Interactions with the ESNet Identity Management function is through standardized (mediated) EISI messages. The ESNet Identity Management entity should ultimately represent some functions common to both CESE and EPES POPs – for example authentication can use the existing CESE authentication pattern with one additional provision: UDDI identity should be added to the information returned by authentication (like the identity of the RG is in the case of CESE authentication) if it is not identified by a well-known (DNS) identity. About Service Provisioning box This is the part of the EPES logic responsible for actually provisioning the service to its client(s). Interactions and associated messages are defined in the EPES’s WSDL. SOAP would be used to provision the service to its client’s if it is specified as such as the supported binding in the WSDL. Any authorization requirements will be specific to (and defined for) each service and could use SOAP native mechanisms. About EISI It remains to be debated what will be the role of the EISI with regards to UDDI interactions – an additional abstraction layer or a pass through (I.e. transparent to the UDDI native API). About the EPES client(s) box This box represents all ESNet entities that may leverage the EPES service. Note that Service Discovery may be used by EPES to leverage other EPES’s in the provisioning of its own service. * Point-Of-Presence