Light Horses and Draft Horses
Breeds of Light Horses Quarter Horse HKnown for athleticism and cow sense HOriginated in SW United States HNamed for the “Quarter Mile Race” HAny coat color
Breeds of Light Horses Morgan HSmaller in height ( hands) HOriginated in Massachusetts HBreed was founded by a single stallion (Justin Morgan) HTypically a bay in color
Breeds of Light Horses Paint HStock type horse HOriginated in the American West HColor patterns are called Tobiano and Overo HDiffers from a Pinto (Pinto Association is a color registry)
Breeds of Light Horses Thoroughbred HBred for racing HOriginated in England HAverage height is 16 hands HAny coat color
Breeds of Light Horses Appaloosa HUnique color pattern of spots (predominantly over the hip) HOriginated in the Palouse, WA region (Nez Perce) HBreed Association was formed in 1938
Breeds of Light Horses Arabian HHead has a characteristically dished profile HOriginated in Arabia (world’s oldest breed) HStands between 14.2 and 15.2 hands HAny coat color
Breeds of Light Horses Mustang Mustang means wild or stray The original American Horse! (Actually originated in Mexico) Protected by the government
Draft Horses Clydesdale 16 hands high Originated in Scotland (farming horse) 4 white socks to hocks white stripe on face or bald face Feathers on the lower legs covering the hooves
Draft Horses Percheron *Used in farming, but pulled heavy cannons in war *Originated in France *Black or gray *16 hands high
Draft Horses Belgian *Just under 17 hands *Originated in Belgium *One of the largest breeds