My Daily Tasks
Game My Daily Tasks a simulation & immersion game of everyday tasks that new immigrants to the U.S. may encounter.
Background Millions of immigrants come to the U.S. These immigrants consist of people from every walk of life. Among this pool, there are those with very low education and little or no experience with common everyday tasks. Many find it daunting to complete simple things such as using ATM, shopping, writing a check, and using the post office. They shy away from even attempting these things because of fear of failure. They often have to rely on others to help complete simple tasks and may even pay exuberant fees to so-called intermediaries for help.
Target Audience New immigrants to the U.S.
Ideal Game Environment In an ESL or intro to computers classroom setting
Learning Objective T he Introduction and familiarization of daily tasks that the player will encounter as a resident of the U.S. such as using an ATM, going to the post office, shopping, writing a check, ordering food, paying a bill etc. The goal of the game is to make the player feel comfortable doing these things on his/her own, at the same time reinforcing English and basic computer skills.
Prior Knowledge Requirement Basic computer knowledge such as using arrow keys (for walking), number pad, mouse etc. Ideally, players will play the game after an introduction to computers. Basic English comprehension.
Game Setting The setting will mimic a typical city/town setting with streets, buildings, cars, etc.
Game Characteristics My Daily Tasks will simulate a real life environment. It is extremely important for the player to get an experience as close to real life as possible. The graphics will be rich and mimic what the player would actually see, for example, the screen of an ATM or a store check-out counter.
Game Characteristics cont'd My Daily Tasks will stay away from extra features that do not relate to the real life experience, like cartoon sounds, points/prizes, and story lines. No game characters or avatars, the player will be him/herself. Players will be assigned tasks to complete. My Daily Tasks will allow the player to see the immediate consequence of his/ her actions for each task as it would happen in a real life scenario.
Game Characteristics cont'd The player will initially watch an instruction demonstration before attempting the task. The player will be allowed to view the instructions in his/her native language for better understanding. The player will be allowed to repeat the tasks as many times as he/she wants.
Game Characteristics cont'd There will be 3 levels; 1, 2, 3 1- Beginners will be assigned single simple tasks such as an ATM withdrawal, mailing a letter etc. 2- Intermediate players will have longer tasks than level1 such withdrawing money and going shopping. 3- Expert players will have more complicated longer/ multiple linked tasks such as going shopping, writing a check, and depositing money in an ATM.
Game Example Before the player can start the game he/she will be given an introduction and instructions/demonstration on how to complete the task(s). Once the player has gone through the instructions, he/she will use everything they have learned to do it on their own.
Game Example Enter Your Name and click Start
Game Example Select Level
Game Example
Level: 1 Task: Go to any ATM; withdraw $60 with a receipt. Instruction demonstration: 1.Walk to any ATM 2.Insert card in to the card slot
Game Example 3.The ATM machine will ask you to enter your PIN with the phrase “Please Enter you PIN Number” and “Press Enter”. 4.Once the PIN is entered correctly and “Enter” is pressed, you will get the following options on the screen : View Balance, Deposit, Withdraw, and Fast Cash. 5.You will choose “Withdraw” 6.In the next screen you will enter $60.00 by pressing 6000 on the keypad.
Game Example 7.Next, the ATM machine will ask you if want a receipt with the phrase “Would you like a receipt for this transaction?”. You will press “Yes“ on the side button. 8.The ATM machine will give you a screen that states “Please wait while this transaction is processing” Then it will shoot out your card first (take it), next your cash (take it), and last your receipt (take it). 9.Congratulation you have successfully withdrawn $60.00 with a receipt.
Game Example
Simulation Example Use the link below for an example of a simulation : workshops/atm.htm
Game Example Some possible scenarios: Make a mistake and you will see the consequence immediately. For example, enter the wrong PIN number you get a message on the on the screen asking you to re-enter your PIN.
Game Example Complete the step correctly you will immediately see the positive results.
The player objective Each player will have their own objective and motivation the goal of this game is to simply bring him/her closer to it.
What learning theories apply? Immersion learning- "Learning is a basic function of human beings. We are designed to learn” My Daily Tasks attempts to tap in to the player's natural learning system functions by immersing he/she in the learning event/task. "The natural learning system functions best when the learner is completely immersed in the learning event." "We have three primary modalities or means of learning: Heart (feeling), Mind (thinking) and Body (acting or experiencing)."
What learning theories apply? Burners Discovery Learning- "Discovery learning is an inquiry-based, constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his or her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned. Students interact with the world by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, or performing experiments. As a result, students may be more more likely to remember concepts and knowledge discovered on their own.” encourages active engagement promotes motivation promotes autonomy responsibility, independence the development of creativity and problem solving skills. a tailored learning experience