Music Law Management Education General Library Building Science Baker Bldg Campus ATM Network CTRVAX Sun ServersAcorn Lib. Technology Internet Router Computer Center Network Library Annex Router ISDN Heard Library Network
Library Network Servers General Library Building Library1 Law Library Management Library Computer Center Baker Building Library2aLibrary7Library9 Ultra 5000Sparc 2000Sparc 1000 Library6Library4Library8Library2Library0Ultra 1SparcII
Library Network Servers v 10 Novell IntranetWare Servers –file and print services –web servers – (Pegasus/Mercury) v 5 Sun Solaris Servers v 25+ Networked Printers
IntranetWare Servers v File and Print services for Library Staff v File and Print services for Public Computers v CD-ROM services for Public Computers v Web Servers for Staff Resources v Data backup services v Mail services for Library Staff
Library Backup System LIBRARY1LIBRARY2ALIBRARY4LIBRARY5LIBRARY6LIBRARY7 Weekly Full Backups Daily Differential Backups Daily Reports of Autopilot Backup Jobs Windows-based Arcserve Manager Contempory Cybernetics 8mm Tape Drive LIBRARY0 NetWare server with ARCSERV.NLM and BTREIVE Archive Database Monthly Archives to Annex
Unix Servers v SIRSI Unicorn library automation system v Library Web Server for Public resources v SilverPlatter ERL Server v OCLC SiteSearch resources v Development and test environment
Library Networks v Ethernet for building LANs v Older networks using 10Base2 (ThinWire) Ethernet –Coaxial RG-58 cable in bus topology –All will be converted to 10BaseT in next 2 years v Newer networks use 10BaseT –Category 5 or Category 6 UTP
Network Communications v 10Base2 networks use DEC DEMPR (Digital Ethernet MultiPort Repeater) –10 to 30 stations per Segment –8 Segments / DEMPR v Each DEMPR connects to a Switched Ethernet port on a FORE PowerHub v Each PowerHub connects to campus backbone via ATM
Network Communications v 10BaseT Networks use HP Ethernet Hubs –SNMP Managed –Security enhancements such as data scribbling to non-destination ports –10mb/sec shared Ethernet v Each hub connects to switched Ethernet port on PowerHub v PowerHub connects to ATM network
Network Communications v Servers connect directly to switched Ethernet ports on PowerHubs –Currently 10mb/sec –Plan to increase to 100mb/sec
Desktop Computing v 400+ Desktop Computers –All but 40 Pentium based v Windows NT 4.0 operating environment v Novell IntranetWare Client v Novell Application Launcher v Most applications loaded from servers
Campus Backbone Architecture v ATM Backbone v FORE PowerHubs v Fiber Optic Network –Distributed Star Topoloty –Multiple Fiber Distribution Centers v Switched Ethernet in Buildings v Shared Ethernet for most LANs
Library Networks General Library Building Router ISD N BellSouth ISDN Network 10BaseT Hub OCLC Router ISDN ATM Fiber Optic Connection to Campus Network Library IntranetWare Servers LibraryAnnex Fore PowerHub To OCLC Network Frame Relay Ethernet Repeaters To Building LANs
TLP Access Model Library TCP/IP Network PC’s connected to Network: Winsock-compliant TCP/IP stack and Passport for Windows DSU ROUTER: X.25 to TCP/P Translation X.25 circuit to OCLC SUPPORTS: Prism via Passport FirstSearch via telnet
VU Internet Access
Dedicated IP Access Library TCP/IP Network PC’s connected to Network: Winsock-compliant TCP/IP stack and Passport for Windows OCLC-supplied Router Library-owned Router or Ethernet Switch Frame Relay circuit to OCLC Library computers can also access Web-based resources at OCLC using standard web browsers SUPPORTS: Prism via Passport FirstSearch via Web or telnet OLUC via Z39.50
Campus Internet Access v Dual T1 access via MCI v Shared T1 access via TechNet v Internet2 connection to Atlanta v Proposed Dual T1 access via new ISP