Development of IPv6 Testbed Shin-ichi Nakagawa, A. Machizawa, T. Sakurada, Y. Kitaguchi, M. Katsumoto and K. Sugiura
Access line bandwidth and Backbone traffic for the 20million terminals current 3-5 year 5-7 year
The Japan Gigabit Network and CRL network for the Domestic Network Configuration
Draft Configuration of Japan Gigabit Network at Nov, 1998 Initially it will be provided as the native ATM network and IP over ATM. Backbone Network OC12 No. of Peripheral Connecting Point = 32 points Research oriented operation. Concept Provided by MPT, TAO.
Tsukuba Support Center of Communication Research and Development Keihanna Support Center of Communication Research and Development Okayama Takamatsu Kitakyusyu Support Center of Communication Research and Development Tenjin Otemachi Nagano The Gigabit Network Map NOC Hokkaido University Tohoku University Tokyo University Yamanashi Open Research Development Center National Center for Science Information Systems University of Shizuoka Nagoya University Kyoto University Tokushima University Kyusyu University University of Iwate Sendai City Information and Industry Plaza Ne!t U Yokosuka TeleCom Research Park Waseda University The University of Electro- Communications Softpia Japan Center Mie Prefectural College of Nursing Nara Institute of Science and Technology Next Kagawa Shimane Prefecture Hiroshima University NetCom Saga Steering Council Okinawa Support Center of Communication Research and Development Niigata University Nagano City FULNET CENTER Tenjin Otemachi Awaji 600M 150M 600M 50M 150M 50M 150M 50M 150M 600M 150M 600M 50M 150M 50M 150M 50M 150M 600M 50M NS8000 ( ATM Switch/ Connecting Node ) GX550 ( ATM Switch ) NS8000 ( ATM Relay Switch ) ASX1000 ( ATM Connecting Node ) ATOMIS7 ( ATM Connecting Node ) 150M 600M Gigabit-Class Link Sapporo Sendai 150M Osaka University 150M Hokkaido Telecom Center Note: This map is subject to change. Ishikawa High- Tech Conference Center Toyama Total Information Center 150M CISCO7513 CISCO7507 Teleport Okayama Building Matsumoto Software Development Center Aizu University Nagoya Kanazawa Awaji 150M Appendix- 5
APAN Site BSite C JGN CRL Experimental Network Exchange IMnet JGN-POP WIDE JGN-POP Site A JGN-POP Europe STARTAP TRANSPAK APII testbed AI3 Singapore Korea JEG HongKong Indonesia Thailand CERNIGR Leuk Switzerland GENESIS Logical Structure of Japan Next Generation Internet Test-beds
CRL and JGN Cooperatively promoting the Next Generation Internet Researching Activities with sharing the resources. –Backbone network from JGN, Access line for some peripheral user sites by CRL as based on cooperating research project of CRL. CRL is now establishing the JP-TAP for connecting APII testbed, GENESIS, and AIII. CRL committed the establishment of JGN community based on the results of AUP survey.
CRL’s Activities in Global Collaborations (International Joint Research) - Network Research/Potential -Multimedia Comm. Tech. Research n G7/GIBN Project n APII/APAN Project n MVL Project International Collaborations
G7/GIBN Project U.S. JAPAN CANADA EUROPE Optical Networks ATM Networks ATM Networks ATM Networks ATM Networks Global Interoperability for Broadband Networks Objective: To improve interconnectivity among ATM networks and international applications : To demonstrate potential of Information Society Satellite Networks Background: G7 Ministers Agreement (Feb. 1995)
KDD (Ibaraki) Tokyo Teleglobe (Lake Cowichan) INTELSAT STM-1 DS-3 NTT ATM network CANARIE networks CRL(Tokyo) Ottawa OC-3 Tokai Univ. Hospital Ottawa Univ. Heart Institute Remote Workshop on Cardiac Surgery (Feb. 98) CRC(Ottawa) Japan-Canada Experiment (Oct.97- ) (HDTV applications experiments)
Mr Herve, Maire de Rennes CRL site: Mr Galligan(ESA), Mr Thomas(FranceTelecom), Mr Allovon(CNET), Dr Iida(CRL) etc. Rennes site The 1st Videoconference Trial (CRL-Rennes, Mar 98)
Leuk Basel ASP 2M Sion Tokyo CRL Intelsat 16 0 E Linz JKU Berlin DTB Ljubljana IJS Aflenz Budapest BUD Madrid UPM Barcelona UPC Moscow IOC Kiev KSN Reykjavik ITR Frankfurt Athens DEM Prague CES Ottawa CRC MBONE European Russia Minsk ACC ISDN 2M Berkeley UCB Eutelsat IIF3 Eutelsat Other Spanish sites G360 Network in IST’98 (30 Nov-2 Dec 98) Vienna Conference Centre 2M, TDMA 2M, SMS Amsterdam G360 Control Centre & Studio GSL Uni Brno BRN Digital Theatre DTV Tele- conferen ce Room TEL Plenary Hall Public MBONE CERN TEN- 34 Uni Lausanne LAU Aveiro CET Poznan POZ Yaroslavl YAR CEC, Brussels, via MBONE Main Site (providing programme input and questioning) Significant interconnection point Interactive Site (questioning enabled) Watchpoint Site Novosibirsk NOV Mbone Siberian Russia 2M All links at 4Mbits/sec unless marked otherwise
Dr. H. Jiang (CRL) and Dr. H. Oyama (NCC) at CRL site APEC TELMIN3 Demonstration Japan (CRL & NCC)-Singapore, June 4, rd APEC Ministerial Meeting on the Telecommunications and Information Industry
APII Technology Center (in CRL Kansai Advanced Res. Center) International Joint Experiments by CRL –Network interconnection –Next-stage internet tech. Mbone, RSVP, IPv6 –Video conference Technological training
Asian Area Internet configuration plan Europe l l Korea Japan China Thailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia l Philippines l Vietnam l l l Hong Kong l l l AIII (satellite link): 2Mbps APII(ATM): 2Mbps AIII (satellite: phase II) l Australia l USA 45Mbps from 1998 by STA More than 30Mbps from, 1999 by MPT Around the Earth 360 Backbone Network
How to Use it? Several trials for Next Generation Media transport.
100k 1M1M 10M 100M 1G1G Transport rate (bit/sec) H.261 Std-TV class HDTV class Videophony class Ultra-HD MPEG1 DV D1 Compression methods and bandwidth requirement. MPEG2 H.262 MPEG2 H.262 Quality
AIII(Ku+C Band) Current JP-CA network configuration of Layer 0-3, 1999, Sep Singapore HongKong Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Vietnam Philippine China Korea APII-testbed TransPAC Digital Video
Experimental Network Okinawa-Tokyo Experiment of Digital Video transport between Okinawa and Tokyo.
DV Land demonstration at INET’2000 Kyushu(Kokura) Sapporo CERN( Europe) Okinawa(Naha) Yokohama(Inet’2000) DVTS
Japan-European Gamma Kanazawa Real-time Synthesis IDC'99 Japan Gigabit Network Koganei Osaka IDC'99 Demonstration 2Mbps Digital Video
Tele-education Experiment ( CRL -> JAIST ) JAIST students ( JAIST -> CRL ) JAIST ( JAIST -> CRL )
Tele-education experiment ( CRL -> JAIST )
Layer2 JGN Delay Map Geographical Japan JGN network Delay Mapping
ATM Switch D1 server D1 Client D1 &DV Client CRL Koganei OC-3(155Mbps) OC-12(622Mbps) Fibre Channel D1(NC, DV D1(Non-comp.) : >200Mbps DV>35Mbps <実験システム構成図> ATM Qos D1 over IP experiment
For the next step How to establish the Mind to Mind networking?
Ancient Multi-layer Structure. Physical Layer: HSD, ISDN, ADSL, WLL… Optical fiber. X.25, X.400, ATM, CDMA, … Ethernet, … Switching Layer: Protocol Layer: Transport Layer: Policy Routing: Applications: Video Conference User Applications: How to use it??? Education Economics,. Highspeed dist. DB. Original Software No inter operability middleware was exist.
Internet Multi-layer Structure at the beginning. Physical Layer: HSD, ISDN, Optical fiber. Switching Layer: Telephony, Internet... Protocol Layer: TCP, UDP, IGMP, Transport Layer: Policy Routing: WWW, wb, vic, vat, isabel, …. Applications: Video Conference, simple text, Hyper text... User Applications: How to use it??? Education, Economics, Music, Medicine...
Novel Layer Structure for Next Generation Physical Layer: HSD, ISDN, ADSL, Satellite, Optical fiber. IEEE1394, ATM, CDMA, Giga Ethernet, Switching Layer: Internet Protocol Protocol Layer: TCP, UDP, IGMP, Transport Layer: QoS, AUP, Reservation... Policy Controls: Html/http, SMIL, wb, vic, vat, isabel, …. Application Basics: Video Conference, simple text, Hyper text... User Application: Application Area Education, Economics, Music, Medicine...
HSD, ISDN, ADSL, Satellite… Optical fiber. X.25, X.400, ATM, CDMA,… Ethernet,… Telephony, Internet... TCP, UDP, IGMP, AUP, Interconnectivity, Gateway... WWW,wb,vic, vat,isabel,…. Video Conference, simple text, Hyper text... Education, Economics, Music, Medicine... Physical Layer: HSD, ISDN, Optical fiber. Switching Layer: Telephony, Internet... Protocol Layer: TCP, UDP, IGMP, Transport Layer: Policy Routing: WWW,wb,vic, vat,isabel,…. Applications: Video Conference, simple text, Hyper text... User Applications: Application Area Education, Economics, Music, Medicine... HSD, ISDN, ADSL, Satellite… Optical fiber. X.25, X.400, ATM, CDMA,… Ethernet,… Telephony, Internet... TCP, UDP, IGMP, AUP, Interconnectivity, Gateway... WWW,wb,vic, vat,isabel,…. Video Conference, simple text, Hyper text... Education, Economics, Music, Medicine... Physical Layer: HSD, ISDN, Optical fiber. Switching Layer: Telephony, Internet... Protocol Layer: TCP, UDP, IGMP, Transport Layer: Policy Routing: WWW,wb,vic, vat,isabel,…. Applications: Video Conference, simple text, Hyper text... User Applications: Application Area Education, Economics, Music, Medicine... Conventional Model - Internet User Community Extra-Internet User Community Actual World Internet Literacy NGI-Model Layer2 Topology Policy Actual World Novel Layer Model for NGI
What is Next Generation Internet? IP Technology Progression is still active. –We are making the Next Generation –IETF model: propose, implementation, harmonization, standardization IP V6? –Remove address space limit of IP-V4 –Enable the more objective and flat architecture Ultra High Speed Network? –Multi Gigabit? With IP/WDM, IP/Photonic? –Limit of switching technology Back-plane switching: 2-10Gigabit class at current. –Requirement?
TAO of GIBN : Sweat : Actual operation Blood : Budget Foot : Actual physical link Brain: Essential suggestions Life: Academic activity, Demonstrations Voice: Policy making at the external world and coordination for general users Or Coordination for weak users and researchers.