J. Barrios, S. Schulte, J.P. Gómez-González
Outline Introduction Data selection and processing MC production Data/MC comparison Event selection Detector performance Unbinned searches (Nikhef and IFIC): Likilihood implementation details Results: discovery flux, sensitivity, … Summary / Outlook 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06
History 2 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 The analysis and search methods we review today have been extensively discussed in the last months: Collaborations Meetings in Oujda and Marseilles, previous AWGs Two (IFIC and Nikehf) webpages were written and are available in the ANTARES wikiIFICNikehf Analysis referee assigned in Oujda: Pachal C.
Data selection 3 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 We use all the “Physics” runs with Qbasic label greater or equal than one Scan runs (about 1 thousand) are rejected. Runs with sparking OMs are also removed from the list; we include there 14 new runs from 2012 which have still to be confirmed by the DataQuality group people In total, runs are selected, which means a total livetime of 1338 days. This number is ~65% larger than in the previous analysis with data
Data selection 4 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Summary table: Best year is 2011 and represents 21% of the data from near six years of operations
MC production 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 MC production used is version: introducing more realistic calibrations, new OM parameterization, after- pulses contribution in hits generation… Atm. muons, in 1/3 of data statistics are simulated with MUPAGE v3r5 Atm. neutrinos, 3.0x10e6 and 2.5x10e8 in the 5-2x10e2 GeV and 2x10e2-1x10e8 energy ranges, are generated using GENHEN v6r8 and Bartol model Light propagation with KM3 v4r2 with an improved chromatic dispersion treatment
Data/MC comparison 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 In the next slides a summary of the extensive data/mc plots both groups have produced, which can be found following the links in the respective analysis webpages, are shown Extended cut to increase the fild of view: cos(θ)>-0.1 Plots for only 2012 also available Send questions!
Data/MC : events/rnumber 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 All eventsUp, Λ>-5.2, β<1.0
Data/MC : lambda 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 All eventsAll events (cumulative)
Data/MC : lambda 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Up, no beta cutaUp, Λ>-5.2, β<1.0
Data/MC : lambda 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/ : No cutscos(θ)>0.0 & β<1.0
Data/MC : zenith 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Λ>-5.4, β<0.7
Data/MC : beta 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Λ>-5.4, cos(θ)>-0.1Λ>-5.2, cos(θ)>-0.1
Data/MC : various 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Λ>-5.4, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<0.75 (left) Λ>-5.2, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<1.0 (right) Also used for azimuth and nlines distributions shown below
Data/MC : nhits 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Λ>-5.4, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<0.75Λ>-5.2, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<1.0
Data/MC : ANN 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Λ>-5.4, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<0.75Λ>-5.2, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<1.0
Data/MC : dEdX 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Λ>-5.4, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<0.75Λ>-5.2, cos(θ)>-0.1, β<1.0
Event selection 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 Zenith angle cut to applied to reject most of the atm. muon background Λ (and β) cuts to yield the optimal discovery flux (see Javier and Stephan slides) Already checked we (IFIC and Nikhef) got the same data numbers Good agreement is found between data and MC expectations when good reconstructed events are used.
Skymap (scrambled) 1 PS search analysisAWG, 19/06 blinded skymap with 5516 neutrino candidates