The Institute of Financial Services Malta (IFS-Malta) is the premier provider of educational services for the banking and financial services profession in Malta. IFS-Malta remains at the forefront of promoting and fostering professionalism among financial services practitioners. Provides of an array of courses, ranging from short technical qualifications to an honours degree. Encourages continuous professional development. Institute of Financial Services Malta
History Institute of Financial Services Malta 1959:Malta Institute of Bank Officials 1960:Local Centre of Institute of Bankers (London) 1965:Financial tuition commences in Malta 1976:Tuition of Part I of Associateship Diploma 1979:Education Licence obtained 1999:Independent Maltese Institute 2001:IFS-Malta launched as official brand of The Chartered Institute of Bankers, Malta.
All functions of the Institute are overseen by a Central Committee of 15 professionals who are elected by members. Each committee member is elected for a three year period and serves the Institute on a voluntary basis. The Committee is supported by a dedicated administrative team in conjunction with an academic team of tutors, examiners and moderating bodies. Organisational Set-Up
Liaises directly with the ifs School of Finance, UK and offers a number of their academic qualifications. Strong links with the University of Malta through which the degree programme is provided in collaboration with the University of Manchester. Provides the Diploma in Banking and Financial Services (DBFS) through the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST). The Institute is also active in organising seminars and events on topics of a national interest with the aim of keeping its members abreast of the latest European, national and sectoral developments related to financial services. Learning & Development
IFS-Malta aims to provide both formal academic educational courses and vocational training in the area of financial services. Fostering a culture of lifelong learning and continuous professional development amongst its members. Educational Aims
For students it is about giving them the tools to gain greater choice and control of their careers; For corporate customers it is about helping them to improve staff performance. Gavin Shreeve, Chief Executive, Institute of Financial Services (UK) Philosophy
BSc (Hons) in Financial Services Diploma in Banking and Financial Services - Dip. BFS (Malta) Certificate in Financial Studies (CeFS) Certificate for Financial Advisers (CeFA) Maltese Law for Financial Advisers (MLFA) Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP) IFS-Malta Qualifications
Organisation of Annual Seminar Annual Awarding of Certificates Ceremony Participation in EU Projects / Activities Cooperation with other financial institutes, public entities, and constituted bodies Participation in Industry through Fora & Working Groups Submit feedback on issues of sectoral and national interest Publication of Periodical Newsletter Social Activities for IFS Members and their families Other Activities
IFS-Malta works closely with ifs School of Finance UK A member of the European Bank Training Network (EBTN) International Cooperation
Contact us Secretariat Ms Josette Cremona 60, GMangia Hill Administrative CoordinatorPieta PTA 1316 Malta Telephone:(+356) / Fax:(+356) Website:
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